UTC Theatre Brings Evita To Life

  • Monday, March 21, 2016
Mark Elich and Rachel Shannon
Mark Elich and Rachel Shannon

UTC Theatre Company presents Evita in the Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre, in UTC’s Fine Arts Center, located at the corner of Vine and Palmetto. The show will run April 19-23 at 7:30 p.m. with an additional 2 p.m. matinee on April 23.

Tickets can be purchased at the Fine Arts Center box office by phone at 423-425-4269 or in person. Tickets are also available to purchase at utc.edu/finearts. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $12 for students and seniors.  

"Evita, the acclaimed musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, charts the desperate and salacious rags-to-riches rise of Eva Peron, the First Lady of Argentina. With rich music, memorable pageantry and cynical commentary by the narrator/revolutionary Che Guevara, the musical follows Evita's journey from impoverished child to movie actress to political leader to saint-like icon," officials said.

“Hopefully this show will feel like a big, dark pageant that doesn’t lose sight of Eva Peron’s humanity—her struggle to overcome incredible odds, sometimes at others’ expense,” said Director Steve Ray. “In addition to beautiful costumes and sets, this show will feature historical footage. I hope this will help the truth of Evita’s life seem more palpable. This is the story of a real person with huge ambitions and a desperate need to be loved. Even if audience members are not familiar with Eva Peron’s story, they will be able to understand everything. Her life was filled with unbelievable plot twists.”

UTC Theatre Company’s production of Evita features:
Cast: Rachel Shannon, Mark Elich, Garrett Henson, Heath Austin, Carly Garner, Samantha Burns, Cierra Dolata, Madeline Franklin-Dean, Carly Fletcher, Brianna Jones, Skylar Ramsey, Kimberly Rye, Ellie Smoak, Courtney Tucker, Gabriel Bailey, Mason DeGroot, Mario Hoyle, Hugh Moses, John Nichols, Falcian Page, Nick Sterling, Taylor Wilson, and Brandon Vaque
Director: Steve Ray
Musical Director: Tim Hinck  
Choreographer: Kristin Nalley
Technical Direction: John Burgess
Scene Designer: Adam Miecielica
Lighting Designer: Reid Austin
Sound Designer: Alexandra Durham
Costume Designer: Stephanie Henderson
Stage Manager: Joseph Ellison

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