$3.1 Million In Clean Tennessee Energy Grants Awarded

  • Monday, June 15, 2015

Governor Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau awarded more than $3.1 million to fund energy efficiency projects for local governments and municipalities, utilities and state entities across Tennessee on Monday. 

The grant program provides financial assistance to eligible entities in Tennessee to purchase, install and construct environmental mitigation projects, and this is the largest amount of funding that has been allocated from the grant program since its inception.

“Clean Tennessee Energy grants fund projects that help our communities become more energy efficient while providing long-term cost savings for taxpayers,” Governor Haslam said. “I want to thank all of these groups for their commitment to improving our communities, our environment and our state.” 

Thirty eight Clean Tennessee Energy grants were awarded to recipients for projects designed to reduce air emissions, improve energy efficiency and create cost savings including projects focused on:

Cleaner Alternative Energy – biomass, geothermal, solar, wind;
Energy Conservation – lighting, HVAC improvements, improved fuel efficiency, insulation, idling minimization; and
Air Quality Improvement – reduction in greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, oxides of nitrogen, hazardous air pollutants.

“We are very pleased with the impressive roster of applicants seeking energy efficient ways to decrease emissions and reduce expenses at the local level,” Comm. Martineau said. “We continue to look for ways to promote environmental awareness and energy efficiency within state government and within Tennessee’s communities.”  

Funding for the projects comes from an April 2011 Clean Air Act settlement with the Tennessee Valley Authority.  Under the Consent Decree, Tennessee will receive $26.4 million over five years to fund clean air programs in the state. To date, TDEC has reimbursed roughly $6.1 million in funding to grantees for a variety of innovative projects to reduce environmental impacts and operating costs at sites of new construction and sites with aging infrastructure. 

The maximum grant amount per project is $250,000 and requires a match from the applicant. Grant recipients were chosen based on the careful consideration to meet the selection criteria and for those projects that expressed the greatest need. To learn more about the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant and future grants, visit www.tn.gov/environment/energygrants/ or contact Kathy Glapa at 615-253-8780 or Kathy.Glapa@tn.gov.  

(Project descriptions and funding amounts are listed below)

2015 Clean Tennessee Energy Grants

 Applicant Name
 Grant Amount
 Brief Project Description

 The City of Algood will upgrade the performance and efficiency of their Community Center and City Garage. Project activities will include replacing outdated HVAC units and upgraded lighting. 

The upgraded lighting will include replacing outdated T8 fixtures with high efficiency LED lighting. Savings are estimated to be roughly $654 annually. Emissions reductions are estimated to be 12,146 annually.

The new HVAC units will include two 5-ton 17 SEER electric heat pumps. This change alone will reduce annual consumption by 2,083 kWh, which will equate to $1,542 in annual savings.

 Bledsoe County
 Bledsoe County will conduct HVAC improvements at the Bledsoe County Nursing Home.  

The project is expected to save $11,761 annually, and reduce utility consumption by 130,686 kWh. Estimated reductions in emissions are roughly 1,060,000 lbs/annually. 

This improvement – as well as many other non-grant funded improvements – will help the entity align with their goals to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent in all county-owned facilities. All project activities will exceed EPA guidelines and ASHREA standards for maximum HVAC efficiency. 

 Blount County Government
 The project at the Blount County Courthouse includes: replacement of old wood, single pane windows and installation of seven Energy Star Rated HVAC Systems. 

Annual monetary savings are estimated to be $4,299 with energy reductions somewhere near 31,877 kWh. Over the useful life of the project - roughly 20 years - cost savings are estimated to be $113,351 with an overall reduction of 637,540 kWh. Total emissions reductions are estimated to be 2,500,000 lbs.

The goal of the project is to restore the aging community landmark by making it as energy efficient as possible. 

 City of Ducktown
 The City of Ducktown will purchase a Ford Fusion Hybrid - which has an estimated 44 miles per gallon - to replace its existing Dodge Ram pickup truck with an estimated 15 miles per gallon. The existing truck is the primary vehicle for City business and is highly inefficient and expensive to operate. 

The entity will see cost savings of roughly $1,318 annually, and would reduce gasoline consumption by approximately 660 gallons compared to the truck. 

Estimated emissions reductions include roughly 6.3 tons per year compared to the 9.3 tons produced by the truck.

 City of Etowah
 The City of Etowah is proposing to replace the outdated and inefficient attic insulation at their historic GEM Theatre. The GEM Theatre was built in 1906 and has gone through several upgrades – roofing and polyurethane roofing foam – and is need of some additional insulation to reduce heating and cooling costs. 

Heating and cooling the theatre costs approximately $7,347.58, and with the new R-38 ceiling insulation, the entity is expecting to save roughly $1,214 annually. Annual emissions reductions are estimated to equate to roughly 9,100 lbs., of hazardous air pollutants.

Supporting partners include: Etowah Utilities, Etowah Rotary Club, Etowah Area Chamber of Commerce and, GEM Players Association.

 City of Franklin
 The City of Franklin will conduct a lighting project at their parking garage in downtown Franklin. The entity will retrofit an existing 175 watt metal halide lights with energy efficient LED Lighting. The 78 high-bay garage lighting is on constantly and in need of a retrofit. 

The City anticipates a 35 to 40 percent energy reduction – from 120,000 kWh/year to 78,000 kWh – and are estimated to save approximately $113,000 over the lifetime of the project. Additionally, there are several vehicle charging stations in the parking garage which will be complimented by other sustainability measures.

 City of Gatlinburg
 The City of Gatlinburg is proposing to conduct lighting retrofits at their community post office and basketball courts in their Community Center. It is estimated that the Post Office retrofit will save 6,447.36 kWh in energy and reduce electrical bills by $805.92. Community Center lighting retrofits is estimated to save $17,520 kWh in energy and reduce utility bills by $2,190 annually. This will equate to 16.1 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions removed from the atmosphere. Over the lifetime of this project, the entity is expecting to save roughly $30,000 and reduce energy consumption by 240,000 kWh. 

These efforts will complement the City's "Gatlinburg Goes Green" program. The program is a voluntary educational program for businesses to evaluate their operations, set goals, and take specific actions towards environmental, social, and economic sustainability. 

 City of Jamestown
 The City of Jamestown is proposing to replace 325 existing fluorescent lights with high-efficiency LED tube lighting. The Community Center was built in 1970 without a focus on energy efficiency, and to date, there were only minor efficiency upgrades. The Community Center is a vital part of the City and is in need of some upgrades. 

Based on engineering estimates, the City of Jamestown can expect to save roughly $163,887.05 over the lifetime of the LED bulbs. Air emissions reductions are as followed: 43 tons of carbon dioxide, and roughly 1 ton of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

 City of Jefferson City
 The City of Jefferson City plans to conduct a lighting retrofit at their Community Center. Current utility usage at the facility is roughly 56,887 kWh annually. Annually savings are expected to be $1,800. Savings over the life of the project is expected to be $36,000.The entity will utilize the latest technology for LED lighting. Estimated air emissions reductions are expected to be roughly 53 tons of greenhouse gases.

This project has been on the City's agenda for the last three years. 

 City of Knoxville
 The City of Knoxville plans to install a closed-loop vertical geothermal heat pump to improve the energy efficiency of a new Public Works Complex. This is part of a major initiative led by Mayor Madeline Rogero, and the City strives to embed energy efficiency and sustainability principals into its policies and actions. The Public Works Complex is pursuing LEED certification and will demonstrate the City's commitment to "lead be example."

Energy savings are estimated to be roughly 32,952 kWh annually, with savings of $160,000 in avoided boiler/cooler tower cost. Additional estimated savings include $3,119 annually in energy. Estimated air emissions reductions include 45,805 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year. 

 City of Lebanon
 The City of Lebanon is planning to implement a waste-to-energy biomass gasification project at their Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project will utilize existing wood waste, wastewater treatment plant sludge, and the discarded tires as fuel, to produce renewable energy. 

The entity is expecting to save $341,180 annually, or $8.5 million during its 25-year operating life. Additionally, these cost savings will be noticed through avoided transportation costs for disposal. Overall emissions reductions include: 2,717 tons of carbon dioxide, 9,809 pounds of sulfur dioxide, and 3,719 pounds of nitrous oxide. In addition to the reductions in emissions, the gasification system will generate 748,880 kWh. 

Project supporters include: LoJac, Nutro, Wilson County, and Bane and Associates.

 City of Memphis Government
 The City of Memphis - Division of Parks and Neighborhood - plans to implement a 50kW solar array at the Lichterman Nature Center. This would be the first solar installation on City of Memphis property, and is visited by 40,000 students annually. This pilot project is part of a larger initiative that has identified 20 other locations for solar installation, as part of their "Clean and Green Initiative."

The entity will see energy cost savings of at least $7,200 annually and will generate 65,700 kWh. Annual emissions reductions are expected to be roughly 68 tons of carbon dioxide. The solar array will be accompanied by a real-time readout on a display and will serve as an interactive model for students and visitors.

 City of Millington
 The City of Millington is planning to upgrade lighting and HVAC systems at their Police and Court Buildings. Currently the lighting and HVAC systems are inadequate.

The project will include upgrading their 70-ton air-chilled with degrading coils, incorporate an automation system which will control all HVAC equipment, and replace all T-12/T-8 fluorescent lighting with high efficiency LED lighting. 

According to engineering estimates, the entity can expect to see savings in electricity at 45,380 kWh and a reduction of natural gas in approximately 2,523 therms. This is a reduction of over 35 percent in electricity and 29 percent in natural gas compared to the existing HVAC system. The lighting will equate to approximately 117,351 which is a 72 percent reduction. Financial savings are estimated to be $14,000 per year. Emissions reductions are estimated to be 247,384 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent.

 Clay County
 Clay County is planning to take a comprehensive approach to upgrade the overall performance and efficiency of the Clay County Public Library. Improvements include: HVAC and Lighting. 

The Library is currently fitted with T-12 fluorescent lighting fixtures, which provide poor reading conditions and are inefficient.  A total of 148 T-12 bulbs will be replaced with highly efficient LED lighting. The entity can expect to save roughly $1,318 annually while reducing kWh usage by 12,820 on the lighting project. Emissions reductions are estimated to be: 18,844 lbs in carbon dioxide; 44 lbs. in sulfur dioxide; and, 15 lbs. in nitrous oxides. 

 Fentress County
 Fentress County is planning to replace 533 inefficient lighting fixtures with more efficient LED lights at their County Courthouse.

The Courthouse was built in 1905 and is in need of some serious energy upgrades. The proposed project will effectively reduce the existing 533 lighting fixtures with 263 LED tube lights. Fentress County is currently spending $1,176.74 on maintaining the existing bulbs, while the LED fixtures will cost roughly $164.74 to maintain. 

 Franklin Housing Authority
 The Franklin Housing Authority plans to conduct energy efficiency upgrades on 22 of their units. Project activities will include: removing existing baseboard heaters and window air conditioning, and installing new energy star heat pump systems including duct work, grills, registers, programmable thermostats. Additionally, attic insulation will be replaced to achieve a R-38 rating. 

All energy upgrades are expected to result in a $10,435 annual cost reduction, and an annual reduction of 104,769 kWh. Over the useful life -20-30 years - of the project the entity is expected to save roughly $196,197. Emissions reductions are estimated to be nearly 5.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide equivalents. 

The entity currently houses very low-income individuals and families, and this project will help reduce some of the utility cost for those customers.

 Humboldt Utilities
 Humboldt Utilities is planning to implement energy efficiency activities at their wastewater treatment plant. 

The treatment plant currently operated 4 pumps - 2 - 40hp and 2 - 75hp - which run most of the day. They are proposing to replace the 75hp pumps with vertical turbine pumps, install variable frequency drives (VFDs) and expect to save $14,438 annually. The proposed design will also reduce power-draw by nearly 80 kW and reduce annual air emissions by 75,000 lbs. 

 Jellico Housing Authority
 The Jellico Housing Authority is planning to remove existing roofing membrane and installing a new energy saving Thermoplastic polyolefin to bring the 24 housing units and community room up to current energy codes. 

The entity is expecting to save roughly $31,781 over the life useful life of the project - 15 - 30 years. Estimate energy reductions include: 20,797 kWh - or approximately 8.77%. According to a US EPA power profiler, the project will result in nearly 366,829 million lbs of carbon dioxide, removed from the atmosphere.

 Lenoir City Housing Authority
 The Lenoir City Housing Authority plans to install tankless water heaters at 108 of the Housing Authority-Owned Units. 

The goal of this project is to create a more comfortable, safe, healthy living environment for the residents while lessening the overall impact on the environment by reducing energy use and implementing green, environmentally friendly construction practices. Additionally, this project will assist the efforts to bring the properties in compliance with the International Energy Conservation Code. 

The tankless water heaters are estimated to reduce annual operating costs by roughly $7,779. Throughout the lifetime of the project.

 Marion County
 Marion County is planning to conduct energy efficiency projects including: replacing existing skylights and installation of skylight smoke-hatches in the inmate housing area of the Justice Center. 

According to energy reductions estimates, the entity is expecting to save nearly $250/month while reducing energy demand by 2,825 kWh. Estimated annual emissions reductions are close expected to be roughly 50,000 lbs.

 Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority 
 The Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority plans to purchase an overhead fast charger for the Metropolitan Transit Authority's all electric/zero emission music city circuit bus route. The charger is an on route conductive system that offers low-cost charging solutions for the fleet of buses. The charger is necessary to improving the operation of the zero-emission buses.  Since this project will not necessarily reduce emissions, the will see savings in charging cost. Primarily, the use of non-diesel buses will deem the largest emissions reductions.

Roughly 56,000 pounds of carbon dioxide will be removed from the atmosphere from elimination of fuel usage. Cost savings are estimated to be $75,092, annually based on the price of electricity compared to diesel fuel. The bus route currently serves 75 downtown businesses and the new project will promote more efficient urban transportation.

 Overton County
 Overton County is planning on improving energy efficiency and performance at their Justice Center. The project will consists of upgrades to the outdated lighting to modern LED fixtures. 

The Justice Center operates 24 hours a day year round. The building is lit by inefficient T-8 fluorescent bulbs, which consumes approximately 286,731 kWh annually. The entity is estimating that the various upgrades to the LED lighting would reduce energy demands by 34 percent, or a 97,801 kWh annual reduction. Financial savings are estimated to be nearly $10,758.

Estimated emissions reductions are: 143,755 lbs. of carbon dioxide, 399 lbs. of sulfur dioxide, and 118 lbs. of nitrogen dioxide.

 Pickett County
 Pickett County is planning to conduct various energy efficiency upgrades to their Community Center, which was constructed in the 1970's without energy efficiency measures. According to an audit prepared by the Volunteer Electric Cooperative (VEC) recommendations for improving energy efficiency include: upgrade lighting fixtures and bulbs, replace the existing roofing membrane, and upgrading doors and windows at the facility. 

According to the VEC audit, the entity would save approximately $2,243.31 on an annual basis. Electricity savings are estimated to be nearly 22,174 kWh annually. Emissions reductions are: 48,057 lbs. of carbon dioxide annually. 

Project supporters include: Pickett County Soil Conservation District, Pickett County Sherriff’s Office, Byrdstown-Pickett County Chamber of Commerce, Pickett County Soil Conservation District, UT Extension, and Regions Bank.

 Putnam County
 Putnam County is planning on conducting energy conservation projects at their Justice Center, Emergency Medical Services Center, Health Department, Community Center, and Agricultural Center. 

The entity recently completed a Tennessee Valley Authority audit on the various buildings to identify energy conservation measures. A majority of the cost associated with these buildings with the existing lighting; which the entity plans to replace with LED lighting. 

According to the engineering estimates, the entity will see cost savings at $52,781 annually, or 537,928 kWh in energy reductions. Annual emissions reductions are anticipated to be: 790,685 lbs. of carbon dioxide, 1,867 lbs. of sulfur dioxide, and 649 pounds of nitrogen oxides. 

 Rogersville Housing Authority
 Rogersville Housing Authority plans to conduct energy efficiency upgrades at nine of their dwelling units. Project activities will include removing existing baseboard heaters, inefficient central furnaces and window air controlling units, and installing new energy star heat pump systems including ductwork, grills, registers, and programmable thermostats. Additionally, the entity will install new blown-attic insulation to achieve R-38 insulation and replacing the existing lighting. 

Project activities are estimated to save nearly $3,723 on an annual basis, while reducing energy consumption by 36,674. Cost savings over the useful life of the project are estimated to be $76,454. 

 Rutherford County Government
 The Rutherford County Government has conducted facility-wide energy audit to identify potential cost savings and energy conservation measures, at their Emergency Management Agency building. The project will consist of a major lighting retrofit and replacing the existing 10-year old roof with a polyurethane roof foam application. 

The LED lighting and roofing technology are both state of the art in design and will offer maximum energy and cost savings. Through the use of LED lighting technology, and added R-value to the roof insulation, the entity is expected to see monetary savings of over $53,358 and reduced carbon emissions by 218 tons a year. Additionally, savings will be seen through reduced maintenance costs associated with the fixed leaks in roof and potential mold problems cause by water penetration.

 Stewart County Government 
 Stewart County Government hired an Energy Savings Performance Contractor - Ameresco - to specialize in building energy generation, energy efficiency, solutions, and renewable energy systems. Ameresco has conducted an energy audit for at the County Courthouse building, and has identified several areas where improvement is needed. 

The project will consist of retrofits of the existing T12 fluorescent lighting to LED, and replacing windows, doors, entrances with higher efficiency alternatives, as well as some HVAC upgrades. 

The projected savings for the project are estimated to be roughly $19,634 annually, while reducing electricity consumption by 272,798 kWh.

 Town of Ashland City 
 The Town of Ashland City is planning to conduct retrofits on their Fire Department Emergency Bay, and Police Department. The Town has been approved to replace the out-dated and inefficient metal halide lighting at the Fire Department emergency bay and replace the metal halide lights in the truck where they load equipment and prepare trucks for fires in the City. All metal halide lights will be replaced with LED lighting. 

The Fire Department and Police currently have 12 metal halide lighting fixtures, and 74 fluorescent light fixtures. These fixtures currently account for roughly $1,800 of their monthly operating budget. According to engineering estimates the entity could potentially save $2,728 annually. The entity will also install motion sensors. 

Emissions reductions are estimated to be nearly 284,739 lbs. of carbon dioxide.

 Town of Centerville 
 The Town of Centerville plans to conduct retrofits at their water treatment plant by installing variable frequency drives on the high service and raw water pump motors. The variable frequency drives will allow control of the Town to control the outputs of their water treatment systems. The current systems are on 24/7 and draw tremendous amounts of power. The water treatment plant is currently the largest energy consumer. 

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