I Back Sheriff Jim Hammond - And Response (2)

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I’m writing to voice my support for Sheriff Jim Hammond and the deputies serving the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department.

Jim Hammond took over as sheriff in a turbulent time and restored faith in his office and trust from the public. He has sought after the best officers available and has built an excellent Sheriff's Department for our county. 

Is everyone working under him perfect? Probably not. Does he have a system of checks and balances within the department? Certainly he does.

I’m appalled when one certain group calls for his job over one disgraced officer. I fully support Sheriff Hammond, as we elected him to serve. If every leader resigned due to one bad apple, we would never have anyone in leadership anywhere.

If you don’t like the job a duly elected official is doing, go to the Election Commission and pick up your papers to run. As for me and my family, we strongly support Sheriff Jim Hammond and the deputies of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department.

Perry Perkins
Apison, Tennessee

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My public statement regarding calls for Sheriff Jim Hammond to resign:


“An instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism.

"the photographs capitalize on the dualities of light and dark, stillness and movement"

Duality allows you to see things as nuanced, observe different shades and not see everything as just black or white.   

I criticize the local police a lot if I have facts proving that they are wrong and I try my best to support them if I think they are right.   Sometimes my personal bias and relationships get in the way and I strive to become fully impartial and not overly judgmental.  

There have been scandals at the CPD and HCSO and some even made national headlines recently and it’s shameful and embarrassing.  

I see and hear the court of public opinion is out to convict Sheriff Jim Hammond as being complicit in misconduct of some of his deputies.  From what I have seen from facts and not mere hearsay and innuendo is that Sheriff Jim Hammond is honorable, well intended and a competent leader.  

If I thought otherwise or had evidence to the contrary I would have no problem criticizing him.   Respect everyone but fear no one is my mantra.

I ask that people so quick to condemn Sheriff Jim Hammond will be patient and maintain an open mind and understand that his job is to protect the citizens of Hamilton County.  

It might be a more prudent political move for me to jump on the bandwagon and join the 50 pastors and numerous activists calling for his removal but then I would be a coward.  That in my opinion would be propagating what I believe to be a false narrative.   That would negate all of the work I have done to battle corruption.   If I say someone has obfuscated things when I do not see even circumstantial evidence to support that theory. 

I have prayed on this extensively and was told by advisers to remain neutral and stay out of it as to not piss people off and receive a backlash.  I don’t think a leader and mayoral candidate staying neutral is what Chattanooga needs or deserves right now.  Not in these tumultuous times.  This is what I believe.  

After talking to several people I trust and conducting independent due diligence I can say unequivocally that I stand by Sheriff Jim Hammond.  

I am glad that Sheriff Jim Hammond is our sheriff and I believe Hamilton County is safer because of it.   

You are welcome to disagree but I ask that you provide facts to back your case up and not just emotions. 


Andrew McLaren

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It's not one bad apple. The entire barrel over the years, decades even, has rotted. Wilkey is the symptom of a greater problem that's been allowed to fester and grow over the decades, no matter who was in charge. No matter if it was city or county, and at times with the support of some of the very people now calling for Sheriff Hammond's head. 

The stalking sounds familiar. I personally endured it, not for days, weeks or months, but years because of being outspoken against police abuse of power. It's why I decided to install my own mounted cameras inside my car. 

Don't forget the city police chief who actually threatened  to go after any citizens who complained and spoke out against "my officers." For sure, he had people like me in mind when he said that. Where were these concerned people then? Many called us liars. Told us to 'shut up.' "Show the proof." "Whip out a camera and take pictures" we were told. Try whipping out a camera and see if you're not just as likely to have a gun drawn on you and chance being shot. 

Getting rid of Sheriff Hammonds won't solve the issue. It's the system that's been corrupted and allowed to grow unchecked, often with the help and support of GQ public citizen looking the other way and who cheered the Wilkey's in uniform on, thanking them for "taking a bite out of crime." Some received rewards even.  Weren't they aware of the "monsters they were inspiring" while there were disturbingly obvious sign of wrongful, even criminal doing at the hands of those claiming they were "keeping us safe" whose only desire was to "serve and protect us" vulnerable citizens? 

Hold the system accountable, and even the public who has supported such a system over the decades. Look in the mirror and hold yourselves accountable.  Some of you couldn't have done a better job and making these young men and women targets if you'd placed a bullseye on their backs and said "here! aim the arrow here!" "And while you're at it, here's my daughter, son, whomever you wish too."

Brenda Washington

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