
  • Sunday, December 15, 2019

Democrats and the partisan media danced around the impeachment tree like so many deranged elves and trolls since November of 2016. So their latest attempt to overturn the election of Donald Trump should not be a surprise to anyone. But again, what are the high crimes and misdemeanors Donald Trump is accused of committing? Abuse of power and obstruction the Democrats say. Humbug!

To Democrats, abuse of power means “Trump won.” Trump not only defeated Hillary, he fooled the pollsters, so-called experts and the media. They’ve not been able to stomach that and have tried every kind of stunt to ruin him. Yet the economy roars on. Each week another Obama regulation is overturned building consumer confidence and the border wall is growing. Minority unemployment is at historic lows. But what really, really frightens them is the fact Trump has appointed 120 federal district judges and 50 appellate court judges in three years. Obama only appointed 55 appellate judges in eight years. Trump, if re-elected, could radically reverse the liberal direction of the courts for decades. They also believe that’s abuse of power-their power. This is why they are so frantic to stop him?

The charge of obstruction is also a humbug! Every previous president has asserted executive privilege including their heroes Barrack Obama and Eric Holder. The Horowitz report detailed numerous violations by the FBI in their attempt to derail Trump. One FBI lawyer, who was also appointed to the Muller team, was found to have covered up evidence of misconduct in the original filings of FISA warrants that initiated the whole Russia mess in the beginning. FBI investigations are routinely handled by field offices but both this one and Hillary‘s email deal were handled exclusively by an elite handful of officials at the highest levels, many of whom later wound up on the Muller Inquisition. That’s not a coincidence but it is real obstruction of justice.

And what happened to the whistleblower thing? Shifty Schiff promised evidence of offenses over the supposed Ukraine deal. He promised that like he promised for two years proof of Trump colluding with Russia. Double humbug! We were told the quid pro quo was the crux of the most recent committee inquisitions. So where are details of this Ukraine deal?

All of Schiff’s witnesses except one just repeated hearsay, which would never be allowed in a courtroom. But this is not about legalities, it’s purely political and partisan.The one exception said Trump told him there was no quid pro quo. And the president of the Ukraine confirmed that. So “where’s the beef“ regarding the Ukraine? Could it be too many details might expose Hunter Biden’s shenanigans and foul up Daddy Joe’s virtual reality presidential campaign? Don’t forget Joe is laughingly the best they’ve got according to their own polls.

If there is a Senate trial, Republicans should subpoena Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, Nellie and Bruce Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, the Whistletooter, Shifty Schiff, Mueller, the Lovebirds, CNN McCabe, Hunter Biden, the Ukrainian prosecutor Joe gloated about having gotten fired, all executives of the firm Hunter Biden supposedly “worked“ for and even old Joe himself to testify on national TV. There is absolutely no telling what old Joe might say or do.

Putting them under oath, subjecting them to real cross examination could be better than any reality show. It could set a Guinness record on how many times witnesses took “the fifth.” And it could slam the humbug impeachment with a giant tsunami not even Greta Thunberg could predict.

Ralph Miller

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