Police Blotter: Perfume Thieves Hit Store Twice On Same Day; Pair Interrupts Man Engaged With Female Friend

  • Thursday, September 6, 2018

Officers responded to Sephora at Hamilton Place on a theft case. A store employee said two unknown black females concealed store items without offering payment. The items taken were various fragrances valued at approximately $650. It was the second theft this same day involving two of the same people, store officials said.

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Police were dispatched on a noise complaint on Cowart Street. The call originally came in as a  large group of people outside in the middle of the road by the Coyote Jack's nightclub hooting and hollering waking nearby residents up. By the time police arrived the crowds in the street had dispersed. Neighbor George Parker said he went outside to ask the parties to stop being loud and asked they turn down the music in their vehicles. He said this in an ongoing issue every weekend. Police contacted a second complainant, who also stated this was an ongoing issue every weekend and she is always awakened in the middle of the night by people exiting the night club. 

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A resident of N. Germantown Road said he heard a loud bang from inside his residence. He walked outside with his niece. A white male (skinny, sandy blonde hair and beard, early 40's, wearing a blue shirt and camo pants) exited the driver side of a vehicle. The driver then asked if he could use one of their phones before taking off running southbound down N. Germantown. Police ran the vehicle, which came back stolen out of Nashville. Police discovered a cell phone inside the truck and turned it into property.

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A woman said she was traveling on Volkswagen Drive and she hit a rock that was in the middle of the road. She attempted to straddle the rock because she thought that it was smaller than she thought and, when she drove over the rock, it hit the undercarriage causing damage to the vehicle. After looking at the undercarriage it was apparent that the vehicle was unable to move and was disabled, police said. Denton's Wrecker arrived and towed the vehicle. 

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Anthony Jones said he sat his wallet on a bench inside the lobby of the Patten Towers and left for a few minutes. He said after he returned his wallet was gone. Lost were his debit card, Social Security card, his Identification Card and $40. 

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An officer said he observed a woman flagging down vehicles and standing in the middle of the roadway. He said, "These are common traits among prostitutes." He checked the woman for warrants, but did not find any.

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A woman said she pulled out of the Starbucks lot at Northgate Mall and a gray Ford pickup truck blew the horn at her. She said the white male driver gave her the middle finger and she returned the goodwill gesture. The driver then pulled up beside her and started to curse her. He then showed her a handgun. The woman said she was not able to get a full tag number on the truck.

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An official of Sportsman's Warehouse on Perimeter Drive said a white male was seen concealing a Gerber Ghost Knife under his shirt. The man then ran out of the store without paying for the item. The suspect was heavy set, wearing a red shirt, red shorts, and a black hat. Police searched the area for the suspect, but were unable to locate him.

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A pizza delivery guy said he was summoned to 11 Minnekahda Trail. He said he had trouble finding the address. He said a man in a black F-150 started yelling at him telling him he was on private property. The pizza guy said he left and the truck followed him down the road. He said he finally located the person who ordered the pizza and, when he pulled over, the man in the truck got out and started cussing at him again.

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Officials of Lowe's on Gunbarrel Road said they had someone walk out of the store with a chainsaw, a vacuum, and yard mulch totaling around $950. The only information was that it was a white female. Also,  at the same Lowe's,  a white male ran out of the store with a drill. Store personnel were unable to get a tag of the vehicle that the suspect drove off in. 

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A woman said an unknown suspect broke her lock off of her locker, #14, at Planet Fitness and stole all of her items that she had stored while she was working out. She said her purse, wallet, gym bag, husband's wallet, and three sets of keys were stolenr. She estimated all of the items to be $802.

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At Hamilton Place Boulevard, a woman said she was inside Abuela's when a window was broken out of her vehicle and her purse stolen. She said she came out and found the glass on the ground next to her vehicle. She then noticed that her purse was stolen and it had her driver's license, Social Security card, two debit cards and two credit cards. She said that all of her cards were canceled by the time the officer arrived and she was working on canceling her checks also. She said the window would cost her $200 and there was no money taken from the credit or debit cards. The restaurant had video surveillance of the parking lot, but her vehicle was not in the video.

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The manager at Circle K at 4900 Brainerd Road said an older black male with a cane came into the store and pocketed three cell phone chargers and possibly some medication and then proceeded to exit the store without paying. He also did not acknowledge the manager when he asked the man if he was going to pay for the items he took. Police were told that the man left on foot heading toward Waffle House. About $65 worth of merchandise had been stolen. He was described as in his 50s/60s, wearing a gray shirt and red pants. He had white hair and mustache. Police searched the area for the man, but did not locate him. 

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At Payless Shoes on Gunbarrel Road, an employee said three females came into the store and one of them was carrying a flat bag, which made her suspicious of them. While she was watching them and trying to help other customers, one of the women became confrontational and was asking why she was watching them. She then saw them picking up shoes and they were walking around the store with them. While she was helping other customers, she noticed that all three of them left the store without paying for the shoes they had been carrying. She then saw them get into a silver Chevy Malibu and drive away. 

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At a business at 2038 S Kelley St., an employee watching the surveillance system saw a white female put five cans of mosquito spray and two cans of roach spray in her purse. She then left without paying for the items. She drove off in a white four-door Nissan.. 

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The Fire and Police Departments were called to the parking lot of Firehouse Subs at 5546 Hwy. 153 on a car in a sinkhole. Anita Gowdy showed an officer her 2008 Nissan Rogue. The left rear tire was in the sinkhole, which was about five feet in diameter. A tow truck was summoned.

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Police took a call on 13th Avenue. A man said he had been inside the residence "engaged with a female friend when there was a knock on the door." He said he "ignored the knock because he was indisposed at the time. At this time two black males then entered the residence and greeted the complainant." The said said he "told them to leave and followed them out of the house where they left on foot headed north." The man said "he was mainly surprised by the interruption and that he actually knows one of the male parties so he did not wish to prosecute."



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