BlueCross Offers Drive-Through Flu Shots Sept. 29

  • Thursday, September 13, 2018

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee is partnering with Mt. Canaan Baptist Church for its fourth annual drive-through flu shot clinic on Sept. 29.

Walgreens Pharmacy representatives will administer flu vaccines to those ages seven and older from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. in the church parking lot. BlueCross members or others with insurance coverage must bring their ID card to receive flu vaccines provided in their coverage. Vaccines are available for $30 to those without insurance.

In addition to receiving flu shots, attendees can drop off their unused and expired prescriptions to help reduce the risk of medication misuse and abuse.

Local law enforcement officials will be onsite to collect old prescription medications. They’ll provide information on Count It! Lock It! Drop It!, a program supported by BlueCross to encourage proper medication storage and disposal.

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