Glass House Collective partners with Habitat for Humanity’s Neighborhood Revitalization program and Studio Everything to launch a Neighborhood Pride Campaign for the Historic Glass Farm Neighborhood.
"Along with Habitat for Humanity, Glass House Collective’s goal is to make tangible differences in residential housing and create a sense of pride for the people who live in the historic Glass Farm community. This campaign, funded by the Lillian Colby Foundation, will create a visual celebration of neighborhood distinctiveness that enforces our community’s identity, cohesiveness, and pride of home.
Outcomes will include house flags, yard signs, videos, and banners.
"Over the past four years, Rondell Crier’s Studio Everything located on Glass Street has been a valued resource for the community. It serves as a safe haven and positive engagement for young residents. This project will extend the youth apprentices' presence by soliciting feedback from residents about what they are proud of. The data will also be collected through staff at Habitat for Humanity. This data will support the campaign’s direction. Funding for Studio Everything’s involvement and Habitat for Humanity’s time comes from Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga," officials said.
“Unfortunately, the media may portray our community in a negative light from time to time. This campaign is intended to do just the opposite. We have a lot of residents that are proud of their home, block and neighborhood. This campaign will highlight them and other neighbors that feel the same way. We will begin with our recently organized Glass Farm Block Leaders,” said Glass House Collective’s Community Relations Manager Nicole Lewis.
The Neighborhood Pride committee is comprised of a homeowner, renter, business owner and youth from the Glass Farm Neighborhood. They each will receive a stipend for their time and commitment. "This process is in place to empower our neighbors and business owners to work with a team of artists to instill a sense of pride among the residents and provide skills development opportunities to the area through Crier’s Studio Everything," officials said.