green|spaces Announces New green|light Businesses

  • Monday, May 21, 2018

green|spaces announced that 10 local Chattanooga businesses are solidifying their commitment to sustainability through the green|light program. green|light is a third party corporate sustainability certification program through green|spaces that helps businesses with employee attraction, public image, cost savings, and environmental stewardship.

The new green|light partners include:

  • 5th Dimension Construction

  • Niedlov’s Breadworks

  • Crabtree Farms

  • Southern Sqweeze

  • REV Centre for Optimal Living

  • Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center

  • Compass Commissioning

  • Kyle House Fitness

  • Mad Priest Coffee Roasters

  • City of Chattanooga

  • Green’s Eco Build and Design

With a multi-faceted focus, green|light helps businesses and organizations commit to the pursuit of a holistic approach to sustainability.

“As the program director, I am blown away by the diversity of businesses that have decided to commit to sustainable initiatives this year,” said Kelley Cureton, green|light program director. “By aligning their mission, vision and day-to-day operations with green|light, it’s truly inspiring to know that our community values the cause and that we are a united front in showing other communities that this is simply how we do business here.”

While many businesses may have several sustainable practices in place already, the green|light certification is so comprehensive and thorough that additional ways for saving energy and money are always found. It could be an adjustment to toilets to reduce water waste or a change to the cleaning supplies used that could have been previously overlooked.

“Committing to the green|light program is a way for us to be held accountable to the values we want to uphold,” said Erik Zilen, owner of Niedlov’s Breadworks. “I want Niedlov’s to do a better job delivering on the promises we make in the name of sustainability, and I expect green|spaces to push us by measuring the degree we are sustainable.”

Once engaged with green|light a personal eco policy manual is created for each business, a green office checklist template is available as a guide, design services for custom signage are provided, and a network of preferred providers that has been established so resources for a variety of sustainable needs can be easily acquired.

"As Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center moves into a period of renewal and growth, we're excited to rely on the expertise and process laid out in the green|light program to ensure we stay true to our environmental values and conservation mission,” said Mark McKnight, president of Reflection Riding. “ We look forward to finding new efficiencies, highlighting what we're already doing right, and ultimately, saving resources and money."

"I want our sustainability commitment to reach far beyond used furniture and landfill reduction. Our mission is finding solutions for businesses that consider the needs of our environment. I am confident that green|light will help us realize operational cost savings, more accurately quantify our environmental impact, and cultivate a higher quality workplace experience for our team," said John Jerman, president and founder of Office Furniture Warehouse.

"The work done by green|spaces and the green|light program is pivotal to moving our city and our collective consciousness toward a more sustainable and equitable future,” said Sara McIntyre, executive director of Crabtree Farms. “Their team works with compassion and integrity to simplify and personalize the path to a greener business or home."

Chattanooga Area green|light Certified businesses include: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, The Flying Squirrel, The Crash Pad, The Chattanooga Zoo, Ruby Falls, The Strand Salon, River City Company, AEED Inc., Kelly Subaru, the Sportsbarn, Chambliss, Bohner & Stophel P.C., Franklin Architects, Hunter Museum of Art, Rev, Urban Stack, Taco Mamacita, Center for Mindful Living, Lupi’s Pizza, Office Furniture Warehouse, and Rock City.

For additional information about green|light or to get started with your company’s sustainability plan, contact green|light’s program director Kelley Cureton at 423 648-0983 or

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