Herman Brown Charged After Striking A Pedestrian March 10

  • Friday, March 16, 2018

Herman Brown, Sr. 50, was indicted by the Grand Jury and arrested by the Chattanooga Police Department for striking a pedestrian on E. 11th St. on March 10. 

Brown was charged with aggravated vehicular assault, vehicular assault, driving under the influence (2nd offense), driving on revoked license, financial responsibility and due care.

Police said the accident happened March 10 at 1:50 p.m.

Police said the vehicle was parked on the side of E. 11th St. facing west.  A pedestrian, Tyrone McCullom, 49, walked in front of that vehicle and another parked vehicle.  Police said Brown accelerated forward, striking Mr. McCullom, and the parked vehicle. 

Mr. McCullom suffered severe injuries and was transported via ambulance to a hospital. 

Police said the parked vehicle that was struck was unoccupied. 


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