Trump's Veteran's Day Parade Is A Disgrace - And Response (2)

  • Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trump wants his military parade on Veteran's Day. This is a terrible idea to begin with and to disgrace Veteran's Day to stroke Trump's over inflated ego makes it so much worse.

This money should be spent on veteran's programs. There are many veterans still needing care and services. A military parade is what dictators do, not the President of a democratic republic.

Trump is a disgrace but the religious right has embraced his huge ego. He will destroy this country one way or another.  

Dale Souders

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President Trump's parade is expected to cost $30 million.  Do you remember when Republicans used to be against wasteful spending?  The parade is being held for one reason:  to stroke the president's ego. 

It's getting harder and harder to defend the actions of a guy who pays porn stars and playboy playmates hush money, who uses the government to enrich himself and his cronies, and never stands up to Russia and Vladimir Putin. 

I don't think a parade is inherently a bad idea, but when I heard it was going to cost $30 million, I knew it was a terrible idea.  How much healthcare for our veterans could this cover? It's simply unconscionable to spend that kind of money on something that we get nothing for when so many Americans need so much.  

R. J. Mitchell 

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Whatever President Trump proposes there will be opposition. But why not just say you oppose it because it’s Trump’s idea. How well I remember the vicious names people were called who dared oppose President Obama. Now we hear the military parade is a waste of taxpayer money. What an Alice in Wonderland world we have since November of 2016. When was the last time anyone remembers the left saying something was a waste of taxpayer money? 

There was no weeping or wailing when the NSF used $700,000 of taxpayer money to fund a climate change musical called “The Great Immensity.” No one even raised a peep over the spending of $1 billion of taxpayer money on something called the Green Climate Fund-a UN program to spend money from developed nations in Third World Nations to “combat climate change.” And if anyone did oppose it they would be labeled anti-intellectual because it was “science” (my compliments to Thomas Dolby). 

Investor’s Business Daily reported that in 2015, the U.S. government spent $126 billion in over payments. That’s roughly equal to the combined profits of Apple, Exxon, Mobile, Wal-Mart, Google, Pfizer and Comcast. 

Where’s the outcry for wasting taxpayer money there? 

From a sound business approach it’s highly risky at best to assume that any of this money will accomplish anything in countries controlled by war lords and tyrants who take a cut of everything coming into their country. Our government can’t successfully control what they spend here so there’s small assurance that money will be well spent. 

But a parade to honor the men and women who serve in our military, oh that’s a waste of money, says the left. 

Ralph Miller

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