County Commission - Just Barely - Approves PILOT For Ridgeway Apartments Project

  • Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The County Commission - just by a thread - on Wednesday approved a PILOT tax abatement for a Seattle-based firm that plans to buy and fix up the 120-unit Ridgeway Apartments on the Westside.

Vitus plans to acquire the property for $6 million and make $8 million in improvements.

The City Council earlier unanimously approved the 10-year PILOT.

Donna Williams, of city Neighborhood Services, said the project would allow low-income and moderate-income citizens to continue to live at the Ridgeway.

Five yes votes were needed by the County Commission to approve the tax abatement. Commissioners Chip Baker and Warren Mackey were absent. Commissioner Tim Boyd was present at the start of the meeting, but he left during the session.

When the vote was taken, Commissioners Chester Bankston, David Sharpe, Randy Fairbanks, Katherlyn Geter and Greg Martin voted in favor. Chairman Sabrena Smedley was opposed.

A few minutes later, Commissioner Martin said he had meant to vote no and inquired about getting a revote. County Attorney Rheubin Taylor said that would be up to the commission. The other four who voted in favor were not willing to give a revote.

Commissioner Martin said, "We all make mistakes. Life goes on."

After Commissioner Boyd left early, County Clerk Bill Knowles asked if he was coming back. Commissioner Sharpe, who sits beside him, said, "He told me 'Goodby."

Chairman Smedley said, "He didn't tell me anything."

Commissioner Boyd afterward said he had an 11 a.m. appointment on personal business.

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