WWTA Releases Timetable That Would Have Ooltewah Sewage Treatment Plant In Operation By 2025; Public Meetings Set At Central High

  • Monday, October 22, 2018

The Hamilton County Water and Wastewater Treatment Authority has released a timetable that would have a new sewage treatment plant in Ooltewah in operation by 2025.

A request for a site at Mahan Gap Road goes before the Planning Commission at Nov. 12 at 1 p.m. It goes to the County Commission Zoning Committee on Dec. 12 and the full commission on Dec. 19. 

The WWTA also said there will be upcoming public meetings held at the Central High School gym about the plant, which is meeting sizable citizen opposition.

The first meeting will be Tuesday from 5:30-7 p.m.

The second meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 8, from 5:30-7 p.m.

Here is the WWTA timetable:

County Mayor Jim Coppinger announces the need for additional funding for Schools, new Sewage Treatment Plant, Expanded Workhouse

September 6, 2017:  The Hamilton County Commission approves Resolution 917-12 that includes increase of funding.  Voting Aye:  Commissioners Bankston, Beck, Fields, Graham, Mackey, Martin, Smedley and Chairman Fairbanks.  Voting Nay:  Commissioner Boyd

March 9, 2018:  WWTA met with property owner.

May 16, 2018:  The Hamilton County WWTA Board approves Resolution 0518-06 to enter into an agreement with S&ME to perform site selection services for the proposed North Hamilton County Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The vote is unanimous.

September 5, 2018:  S&ME submits results of the Due Diligence Studies, reporting the findings, that “Taken as a whole, the two tracts combined contain about 77 contiguous acres above the 100 year flood plain, with the main area of focus centered on a 51 acre portion located on the northern end of the property that is particularly well suited as a treatment facility.”

September 19, 2018:  The WWTA Board is briefed by legal counsel regarding the proposed financial agreement to use funds previously allocated in the budget by the Hamilton County Commission for the purchase of property for the proposed North Hamilton Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The board directs legal counsel to submit  a resolution for financing the purchase of property for this purpose.

September 24, 2018:  The WWTA Staff submits request for a Special Exceptions Permit from the Regional Planning Agency.

September 26, 2018:  The Hamilton County Commission meets for its regularly scheduled Agenda Session.  Resolution 1018-14 to finance the purchase of property for the North Hamilton County Wastewater Treatment Plant is an agenda item.

October 3, 2018:  The Hamilton County Commission denies Resolution 1018-14 to finance the purchase of property for the North Hamilton County Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

October 11, 2018:  The WWTA hosts a community meeting at the Fire Training Center from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

October 17, 2018:  The WWTA accepts an invitation and provides a presentation to the Ooltewah Council of the Chamber of Commerce at 9:15 a.m. in Cambridge Square above David Wayne’s.

October 18, 2018:  State Rep. Mike Carter and Hamilton County Commissioner Chester Bankston host a community meeting at Crossroads Baptist Church.

October 23, 2018:  The WWTA hosts  a community meeting at Central High School from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

October 25, 2018:  No Ooltewah Sewage Treatment Plant to host community meeting at Meadowview Baptist Church in Georgetown at 6 p.m.

November 8, 2018:  The WWTA to host community meeting at Central High School from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

November 12, 2018:  The Hamilton County Planning Commission will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Hamilton County Courthouse at 1:00 p.m.

December 12, 2018:  The Hamilton County Commission’s Zoning Committee will meet at the conclusion of its regular meeting.

December 19, 2018:  The Hamilton County Commission will meet to consider the resolution to provide funding to finance the purchase of property for the North Hamilton Wastewater Treatment Plant.

2019:  Permitting process begins with TDEC and EPA

A design engineering firm is engaged to begin conceptual designs for the North Hamilton Wastewater Treatment Plant.

2025:  The North Hamilton Wastewater Treatment Plant Opens


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