Dr. Luis Camillo Almeida
The smart phone causes people more damage than good. Some tech gadgets may be a detriment to American society."
According to researchers, 88 percent of teens have been mean to others in social media and 64 percent of people who use Twitter for news encountered something they later discovered to be false.
University of Pittsburgh researchers have found that social media increases depression.
How can we celebrate technology so much in America today?
We are reaching a point of no return. In my research alone, I’ve found that almost seven out of 10 participants ignore their own limits these days; More than 3/4 of the participants in my study reported that their thoughts are often somewhere else. Almost 50 percent of the participants stated that they use the computer to a limit of mental exhaustion.
I am inviting Americans to be cautious about technology and I encourage people to use technology, including the smart phone, but in moderation.
Dr. Luis Camillo Almeida, professor of Communication Arts at Lee University