GPS To Host Free Coding Workshop For Girls

  • Monday, January 22, 2018
LED pendant girls will be coding during a free workshop at GPS
LED pendant girls will be coding during a free workshop at GPS

The GPS Computer Science Club invites middle and high school girls to free coding workshops on Saturday, Jan. 27, and Saturday, Feb. 3, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at Girls Preparatory School. Attendees will learn to code LED light-up necklaces and 3-D printed bracelets.  

Girls will learn Code Academy and TinkerCad to learn coding and 3-D printing basics on Saturday. For the Feb. 3 workshop, girls will use Arduino Gemma Boards to code necklaces to change colors and patterns, and assemble the necklace with the battery and 3-D printed jewel cover.  

All participants will receive lunch, snacks, and swag on both days. In addition to teaching coding skills, workshop leaders will discuss the importance of safe relationships and participants can donate their TinkerCad bracelets to a local women’s shelter.  

To finish the day on Feb. 3, participants can engage with a panel of college-age girls studying computer science and take on a group engineering challenge.  

Both workshops will take place in Caldwell Commons on the GPS campus. Students will direct attendees to the space from the parking lot. Registration is required—please visit to register and for more details.  

The event is made possible by a grant awarded to GPS seniors McKenzie Frizzell and Anne Marie Bonadio from National Center for Women & Information Technology AspireIT program.  

For more information, contact Pamela Hammonds, senior writer, at 634-7652 or

LED necklace girls will be coding during a free workshop at GPS
LED necklace girls will be coding during a free workshop at GPS
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