Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, January 19, 2018

Here is the upcoming City Council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Vice Chairman Smith).

III. Minute Approval.

IV. Special Presentation.

Discovery Leadership Program - Community Assessment
By Girls, Inc. of Chattanooga

V. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. 2017-184 Fickling & Company, Inc. (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone).
An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 6038 Hixson Pike, more particularly
described herein, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone, subject to
certain conditions.

(District 3) (Alternate Version)

b. 2017-185 Philip and Jennifer Clay (R-1 Residential Zone to R-4 Special Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance,
so as to rezone part of property located at 7628 Davidson Road, more particularly
described herein, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-4 Special Zone, subject to certain
conditions. (District 4) (Recommended for approval by Planning and
recommended for denial by Staff)

c. 2017-180 Philip and Jennifer Clay (R-1 Residential Zone to A-1 Urban Agricultural
Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 7628 Davidson Road, more particularly
described herein, from R-1 Residential Zone to A-1 Urban Agricultural Zone.
(District 4) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)

d. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, Article II, Section 38-2, Definitions and Article IV, Section 38-32,
General Regulations, Lot Frontage, Setback not to be Reduced Exception to add a
definition for sewer availability strip and to exclude sewer availability strips from
minimum lot frontage requirements.

e. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, Article V, Division 10, Section 38-137, Environmental Requirements to
delete and add a cross-reference to City Code Chapter 31, Article VIII, Stormwater



f. MR-2017-156 Wilhelmenia L. Richardson (Abandonment). An ordinance closing
and abandoning a portion of an unopened alley off the 500 block of Tunnel
Boulevard, as detailed on the attached map, subject to certain conditions. (District 9)
(Recommended for approval by Transportation)

g. An ordinance to amend the Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 2, Sections 2-65
through 2-66; Chapter 32, Article I, Definitions, Section 32-16; Article III,
Excavations and Restoration of Paving, Sections 32-62 through 32-68; and Article
XI, Telecommunications Services; Franchises for Telecommunications Services,
Sections 32-224, and 32-231 through 32-270. (Sponsored by Vice-Chairman
Smith) (Deferred from 1/9/18)

VI. Ordinances – First Reading:


a. An ordinance amending Chattanooga City Code, Chapter 2, Sections 2-321 and
2-322, relative to the General Pension Plan.


b. 2017-158 Stephen Holmes (R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance,
so as to rezone properties located in the 400 block of Dogwood Lane, more
particularly described herein, from R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone,
subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Alternate Version #2) (Deferred from
2017-158 Stephen Holmes (R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance,
so as to rezone properties located in the 400 block of Dogwood Lane, more
particularly described herein, from R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone,
subject to certain conditions. (Alternate Version #3)



c. MR-2017-155 ECGT, LLC ? Gabe Thomas (Abandonment). An ordinance closing
and abandoning an unopened alley off the 400 block of Ziegler Street, as detailed on
the attached map, subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Recommended for
approval by Transportation)

VII. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Director of Human Resources to extend an existing
agreement with LifeServices EAP, Inc. to provide Employee Assistance Program
services to eligible City employees at the rate of $1.20 per employee per month for a
two (2) month term until March 31, 2018.


b. A resolution approving payment to Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Service,
LLC for renewal of property, terrorism, difference in conditions, equipment, fleet,
mobile communications, and fine arts insurance for 2018 for an annual premium
amount of $369,088.03.


c. A resolution to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Grace Wooten to the Tree
Advisory Commission.

d. A resolution to confirm the Mayor’s re-appointments of Doug Dailey, Michael Webb,
Susan Dailey, Paul McGinnis, Marion Quarles, Mark Stolpmann, and John Smith to
the Board of Plumbing Examiners.


e. Choo Choo Partners, LP-Ridgecroft Distillery, LLC (Special Exceptions Permit). A
resolution authorizing Ridgecroft Distillery, LLC to operate an intoxicating liquors
manufacturing plant and approving a Special Exceptions Permit for a distillery
(small) at 1400 Market Street, Suite 108. (District 8)


f. A resolution authorizing the Chief of the Police Department enter into a contract with
Father to the Fatherless for case management and support services related to the
Chattanooga Violence Reduction Initiative for a period of two (2) years, for an
amount not to exceed $600,000.00.


Public Works

g. A resolution authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 3 (Final) for Mayse
Construction Company, Inc. relative to Contract No. W-10-005-201, Enterprise South
Industrial Park Sanitary Sewer Upgrade, Phase 2, for a decreased amount of
$355,119.74, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $7,424,680.53. (District 6)

h. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to
enter into an agreement with Asa Engineering & Consulting, Inc. for professional
services relative to Contract No. D-17-019-101, Patten Parkway Pedestrian Plaza, for
an amount not to exceed $292,806.38. (Districts 7 & 8)


i. A resolution authorizing Lewin Homes c/o Justin White, on behalf of property owner,
W. Stephen Lewin, to use temporarily the unopened right-of-way located behind
5010 Tennessee Avenue for the purpose of construction access to the rear of the
property, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference,
subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Deferred from 1/9/18)

j. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Transportation to
enter into a Partnership Agreement, Project No. T-17-010 with LIV Development,
LLC for the Passenger Street reconstruction and extension and to accept the design
and engineering certification of the design of the Passenger Street reconstruction.
(District 8)


k. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Youth and Family
Development to enter into a blanket contract with Willow Tree Consulting Group for
one (1) year with an additional two (2) optional one (1) year renewable periods, for an
amount not to exceed $60,000.00.

VIII. Purchases.

IX. Other Business.

a. City Attorney Report.

X. Committee Reports.

XI. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda Matters.

XII. Adjournment.

6:00 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Ledford).

3. Minute Approval.

4. Special Presentation.

5. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. An ordinance amending Chattanooga City Code, Chapter 2, Sections 2-321 and
2-322, relative to the General Pension Plan.


b. 2017-158 Stephen Holmes (R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance,
so as to rezone properties located in the 400 block of Dogwood Lane, more
particularly described herein, from R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone,
subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Alternate Version #2) (Deferred from
2017-158 Stephen Holmes (R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance,
so as to rezone properties located in the 400 block of Dogwood Lane, more
particularly described herein, from R-2 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone,
subject to certain conditions. (Alternate Version #3)



c. MR-2017-155 ECGT, LLC ? Gabe Thomas (Abandonment). An ordinance closing
and abandoning an unopened alley off the 400 block of Ziegler Street, as detailed on
the attached map, subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Recommended for
approval by Transportation)

6. Ordinances – First Reading:


a. An ordinance amending Chattanooga City Code, Chapter 9, relative to the
establishment of the Public Art Commission.



b. MR-2017-163 Frank Goodwin (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and
abandoning a portion of an unopened alley off the 200 block of Sawyer Street to
allow the property to be subdivided into two lots, as detailed on the attached map,
subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Recommended for approval by

c. MR-2017-174 Shea Properties II, LLC (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and
abandoning a portion of an unopened alley off the 2600 block of Watauga Street to
allow for future development, as detailed on the attached map, subject to certain
conditions. (District 8) (Recommended for approval by Transportation)

7. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the City of Chattanooga to serve as a government sponsor
and pass-through entity for a grant from the American Battlefield Protection Program,
a part of the National Park Service, to be passed through to the Civil War Trust,
which will purchase and preserve a +/-3.61 acre parcel known as the Mohr Tract, in
the amount of $57,065.00. (District 1)

b. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with the Helen
Ross McNabb Center, in substantially the form attached, for office space in a portion
of the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as Tax Parcel
No. 157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of $1.00.
(District 6)

c. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Legal Aid
of East Tennessee, in substantially the form attached, for office space in a portion of
the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as Tax Parcel No.
157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of $1.00. (District

d. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Partnership
for Families, Children, and Adults, in substantially the form attached, for office space
in a portion of the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as
Tax Parcel No. 157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of
$1.00. (District 6)

e. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Prevent
Child Abuse Tennessee, in substantially the form attached, for office space in a
portion of the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as Tax
Parcel No. 157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of $1.00.
(District 6)

f. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Second Life
of Chattanooga, Inc., in substantially the form attached, for office space in a portion
of the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as Tax Parcel
No. 157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of $1.00.
(District 6)

g. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Southern
Adventist University, in substantially the form attached, for office space in a portion
of the Family Justice Center located at 5705 Uptain Road, identified as Tax Parcel
No. 157M-A-012, for a term of eighteen (18) months, for the amount of $1.00.
(District 6)


h. A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to renew blanket Purchase Order No.
542380 with Enco Utility Services for a one (1) year renewal period, for the purpose
of utility billing data quality control, and other support, in the amount of $120,000.00.


i. A resolution authorizing the appointment of Deborah Michielson, as a special police
officer (unarmed) for the McKamey Animal Center, to do special duty as prescribed
herein, subject to certain conditions.


j. A resolution authorizing and directing the Clerk of the Council to advertise for public
hearing on February 27, 2018, the deannexation of certain tracts adjacent to the
current City limits which are located at 6403 and 6403B Middle Valley Road, within
the City of Chattanooga, in Hamilton County, Tennessee. (District 3)


Public Works

k. A resolution authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 (Final) for Thomas
Brothers Construction Company, Inc. relative to Contract No. Y-16-012-201, Tyner
YFD Center Playground Pad, for a decreased amount of $2,247.50, for a revised
contract amount not to exceed $30,675.00, and to release the contingency amount of
$3,300.00. (District 6)

l. A resolution authorizing the award of Contract No. M-17-003-201 to Tri-State
Roofing Contractors, LLC of Chattanooga, TN, Replacement Roofing System for
Fleet Maintenance Building located at 12th Street, in the amount of $97,908.00, with a
contingency amount of $10,000.00, for an amount not to exceed $107,908.00.
(District 8)

8. Purchases.

9. Other Business.

10. Committee Reports.

11. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda Matters.

12. Adjournment.

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