Mainstreet Cleveland announced Friday award recipients for the Mainstreet Cleveland Property Enhancement Grant program. Ten properties in downtown Cleveland were selected to receive grants totaling $54,953. Based on the investments of these 10 projects, a total of more than $240,000 will be reinvested into downtown properties.
The Mainstreet Cleveland Property Enhancement Grant was formed to encourage building owners and tenants to invest in properties located within the Mainstreet Cleveland footprint by financially assisting with building needs that serve an appropriate public purpose and benefit. Positive building appearance has been proven to increase property values, improve the marketability of space within the building and attract new businesses, residents and visitors to an area, said officials.
This decision was a difficult one for the grant selection committee, 24 quality applications were submitted. In fact, the projects were so impressive that the Mainstreet Cleveland Board of Directors allocated an additional $5,000 to the planned $50,000 grant pool, said officials.
“We appreciate the hard work and diligence of the grant committee in making the selections, said Sharon Marr, Mainstreet Cleveland executive director. These volunteers were very thorough in the selection process and it was difficult to narrow down the applications.”
“The projects are very impressive and Mainstreet Cleveland is proud to assist in funding these improvements,” said Keith Barrett, Mainstreet Cleveland Board of directors president.
The funded projects include a wide range of improvements such as new investment, public safety, residential, and supporting new business and expanding existing businesses.
The Property Enhancement Grant awards include:
227 Inman Street: Catch Bar & Grill to Install new outdoor lighting at the entrance from First Street Square to improve overall safety and enhance visibility; and add façade improvements.
90 N. Ocoee Street: Terra Running to repurpose a historic building to include Terra Running Company, a café space for coffee shop, and 2nd floor apartment. Grant will be used primarily for life safety issues of sprinkler system installation.
262 Broad Street, NW: Gardner's Market for Improvement to storefront and visibility by adding a new concession window and wall for To Go orders and event participation, and install a new awning.
220/224/230 North Ocoee St.: Jones Properties to replace and repair windows in the Café Roma building consistent with the the historical design of the original "Banner Building."
168c 1st Street, NE: Mash & Hops to expand current business by renovating the front parking lot into a courtyard. Replace asphalt with concrete and add outdoor décor, iron fence, awning.
166 1st Street: Stack Southern Bistro for the opening of a new restaurant concept. This project is for awnings on the storefront of the building and outdoor lighting to improve aesthetics, safety, and night visibility.
246-250 N Ocoee Street: Capital Financial Group to remove existing vinyl and aluminum siding, as well as aluminum windows. Reveal and restore the original brick, replace windows and awnings, add a new entrance downstairs.
120 & 140 N Ocoee: Robert Thompson for Attorney, CPA, and Dance Studio location. The project will add exterior lighting to the building for both security purposes and to display historical landmarks in the area.
30 2nd St: Logan Thompson Law Office will add exterior lighting to the building for both security purposes and to display historical landmarks in the area.
63 North Ocoee: Doug Caywood & TPC Properties for façade improvements including adding new exterior tile entry, replace windows, awning and painting.
The Mainstreet Cleveland Property Enhancement Grant is a reimbursement program and requires that the building owner or tenant contribute a matching amount to the grant awarded. Projects are to be completed by June 1.
Mainstreet Cleveland is nonprofit organization founded in 1990 that is dedicated to the revitalization and promotion of downtown Cleveland. For more information visit