The Unity Group of Chattanooga will host a State of Education Forum: Future Vision and the Paths Forward and General Meeting on Sunday at 5 p.m.
The meeting will be held at Eastdale Village UMC, 1403 Tunnel Blvd.
"We are immensely concerned over a wide variety of education issues currently effecting our community, and we will seek to explore the most effective avenues and remedies that promote strong support, sustainability and vibrancy within our schools and students," said Sherman Matthews, Jr., chairman of the Unity Group.
"We will have on hand several education advocates that will be able to discuss and look at many profiles in education in-depth," said Mr. Matthews. "We also hope to have representatives from UnifiEd come and discuss the APEX Initiative and adequacy of funding. Lastly, we hope to be able to receive updates on various education issues from several of our elected representatives.: