Man Found Lying Beside Highway 153 Fights EMS Personnel, Police

  • Monday, July 17, 2017
Geremy Lewis Harris
Geremy Lewis Harris

A man reported to be non-responsive lying by Highway 153 southbound near Lee Highway reared up and began fighting EMS personnel and then police.

Geremy Lewis Harris, 28, of 5031 Eller Road, was charged with pedestrian on the roadway, two counts of assault, evading arrest, resisting arrest, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

In the incident on Sunday, two officers said they came to the aid of EMS personnel who were being attacked by Harris, who  appeared to be extremely intoxicated. He then turned his attack on the officers, who had to call for help.

The officers said a taser was deployed against Harris, but it did not deter him.

He was not taken into custody until other officers arrived to help.

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