Interfaith Service Of Gratitude Held Last Sunday

  • Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pilgrim Congregational Church, United Church of Christ hosted an Interfaith Service of Gratitude last Sunday.  "Nineteen plus faith groups gathered to worship in gratitude for all that the Divine has provided. Baha’I, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim and others all coming together in thanksgiving," officials said.

“God created each of us as unique individuals who need community with one another in order to truly thrive,” said Rev. Candace Worth, pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church, “It is especially important now, when it seems that the common movement is to find ways to divide humanity, promote fear and untruths.” 

'In a time where the world seems so concentrated on differences and division the service was an opportunity for Chattanooga’s to come together in gratitude and be reminded of the things that unite us," officials said.

Rev. Ken Carroll of The Rock, MCC stated that the service “reminds us that we are one people and that there is more that unites us than divides us.”

There were over 150 people in attendance and at the end of the service attendees expressed the desire to do more interfaith services.

Rev. Scott Williamson, senior pastor at Pilgrim Congregational Church said “It was a privilege to host this service of gratitude. We have already been asked to do this again next year. This service proves that the people of Chattanooga believe that love is greater than hate and that there is still much for which to be thankful.”     

"Chattanooga is diverse with faith but united in love," officials said.

Rev. Vernon Banks of Ashland Terrace Christian Church said he “was grateful to celebrate the contributions of our diverse faith communities in Chattanooga.  Together, we are working to bring much good to our fellow citizens.”

In attendance were Ashland Terrace Christian Church, Baha’is of Chattanooga, B'nai Zion Congregation, First Baptist Church, First Christian Church, Grace Episcopal, Gujarati Samaj of East Tennessee - Hindu Temple, Hope House at UTC, Islamic Center of Chattanooga, Lift Jesus Up Global Ministry, Mizpah Congregational, New Hope Presbyterian Church, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pilgrim Congregational, Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul's Episcopal, The Rock MCC, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga, Unity of Chattanooga and other faith groups

An offering was taken during the service collecting $240 for The Chattanooga Area Food Bank.

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