SETLAW Honors Marcy Eason As 2017 Lioness Of The Bar

  • Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Southeast Tennessee Lawyers’ Association for Women recognized Miller & Martin attorney Marcy Eason as the recipient of their 2017 Lioness of the Bar honor at a reception on Sept. 28 in Chattanooga. 

Sara McManus, SETLAW president, cited Ms. Eason’s legal career, expertise and involvement, as well as her passion for promoting pro bono service, equal access to justice and diversity fairness and advancement in the legal professional as factors in their selection of Ms. Eason for Lioness of the Bar distinction.

“SETLAW is an amazing powerful and energized association for lawyer professionals begun more than three decades ago,” said Ms. Eason. “Receiving this recognition is that much more special because of the Lionesses who precede me—Selma Cash Paty, Virginia Love, Judge Marie Williams—each talented, strong women who make our profession so much better. Not forgotten are the brilliant women lawyers here at Miller & Martin, beginning with Virginia Ann Sharber, Susan Nance Roth and Judge Shelley Rucker, who welcomed me from Texas in 1985.”

Ms. Eason is a litigation attorney with Miller & Martin in Chattanooga. She has 39 years of experience representing clients in civil litigation involving product liability, financial institutions, insurance coverage and other business disputes. Ms. Eason is serving a 2-year term as Chair of Tennessee’s Access to Justice Commission as appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court, in addition to appointments with the state’s Racial, Ethnic and Gender Fairness and Improving Public Trust in the Judicial System Commissions. Her accolades include recognition by Best Lawyers as the 2017 “Lawyer of the Year” in Chattanooga for Product Liability Litigation and Pro Bono Excellence awards from Legal Aid of East Tennessee, such as the Chief Justice William M. Barker Access to Justice Award.

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