Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, October 13, 2017

Here is the upcoming City Council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Henderson).

III. Minute Approval.

IV. Special Presentation.
“Honoring YFD Retiree Kenneth Simpson”
By Lurone Jennings, YFD Administrator

V. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. 2017-117 Cornerstone Construction of Chattanooga, LLC (R-5 Residential Zone to
R-2 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II,
Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 206 Aster Avenue,
more particularly described herein, from R-5 Residential Zone to R-2 Residential

(District 1) (Recommended for approval by Planning and recommended
for denial by Staff)

b. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, Articles II, III, V, and VI, relating to Height and Area Exceptions and
other Special Exceptions to provide for the use of Small Scale Alternative Energy

c. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, Article XVI, Division 7, Urban Edge, Section 38-727, E-RD, Residential
Detached Zone to add a designation of RD-3 to the list of E-RD Zones and amend
Height and Mass Regulation.

VI. Ordinances – First Reading:


a. 2017-086 Tony Hill (Lift and Amend Conditions). An ordinance to amend
Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to lift Condition
Nos. #2 and #4 and amend Condition Nos. #1 and #3 of Ordinance No. 9582 on
property located at 4527 Hixson Pike, more particularly described herein, subject to
certain conditions. (District 2) (Recommended for approval by Planning and
recommended for denial by Staff) (Deferred from 10/10/17)

VII. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Brian M.
Cotter, in substantially the form attached, for a house located at 324 Bass Road,
known as the Brown Acres Rental House, in consideration of $800.00 per month and
the providing of security services at Brown Acres and Brainerd Golf Courses, for a
term of two (2) years, with an option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year
terms. (District 6)


b. A resolution urging public higher education institutions in the Chattanooga area to
opt-out of the State facilities management contract. (Sponsored by Councilwoman
Coonrod and Councilman Gilbert)

c. A resolution to make certain findings relating to the Bayberry Apartments
Development (Alco Woodlawn Partners, LP), to delegate certain authority to the
Health, Educational, and Housing Facility Board, and to authorize the Mayor to enter
into and execute an Agreement for Payments in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes.
d. A resolution authorizing the waiver of fees for the East Lake Neighborhood
Association Green Spaces event at East Lake Park on Saturday, October 21, 2017, in
the amount of $227.50. (District 7)


e. A resolution authorizing the appointments of Keith Martin, Michael Glenn, Matthew
Scott, Elizabeth Spaulding, Lebron Durham, Kenneth Fairchild, Austin Holland,
Dallas Longwith, and Edward Robinson as special police officers (armed) for the
Hamilton County Parks and Recreation to do special duties as prescribed herein,
subject to certain conditions. (Deferred from 10/03/17)

f. A resolution to amend Resolution No. 29191 to authorize the Director of Human
Resources to enter into a blanket contract with OutSource Staffing, LLC and Msi
Workforce for temporary employment services for a contract term of twelve (12)
months with the option to renew for two (2) additional twelve (12) month periods, for
an annual expenditure in the amount of $1.8 million.


g. A resolution amending Resolution No. 29153 to add the law firms of Bass, Berry &
Sims, Bill Killian, Esq., and Polsinelli PC and authorizing the Office of the City
Attorney to engage said law firms for legal services in general litigation matters and
corporate, transactional, intellectual property and administrative matters for the
period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. (Revised)


h. A resolution to confirm the Mayor’s appointments of Charlene Simmons and D.
Bakari Wells and the re-appointments of E. Stephen Jett, John Bilderback, Jill
Hindman, Bill Allen, Rev. Michael Feely, Ernest Hedgecorth, and John Lively to the
Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Board. (Revised)

i. A resolution authorizing the acceptance of funds from other cities/municipalities,
local non-profit agencies, and individuals to participate in the registration for the City
of Chattanooga’s Peak Academy Training Program.


Public Works

j. A resolution to amend Resolution No. 28446 for Norfolk Southern Railway Company
relative to Contract No. S-09-008-802 for engineering and flagging services per the
agreement, Activity No. 1200923, for an increased amount of $58,660.58, for an
amount not to exceed $94,660.58. (District 7)

k. A resolution to amend Resolution No. 28407 for Norfolk Southern Railway Company
relative to Contract No. S-09-008 for engineering and flagging services per the
agreement, Activity No. 1200922, for an increased amount of $60,000.00, for an
amount not to exceed $96,000.00. (District 7)

l. A resolution authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 2 (Final) for Barge,
Waggoner, Sumner & Cannon, Inc. for professional services relative to Contract No.
R-14-010-101, “The Bell Site”, for an increased amount of $6,000.00, for a revised
contract amount not to exceed $138,652.00. (District 7)


m. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Transportation to
enter into an agreement with Shift Transit for operation of the Bike Chattanooga
System on behalf of the City of Chattanooga for a three (3) year contract, with the
option to renew for two (2) one (1) year periods, at no cost to the City.

VIII. Purchases.

IX. Other Business.

a) City Attorney Report

X. Committee Reports.

XI. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda Matters.

XIII. Adjournment.

6:00 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Mitchell).

3. Minute Approval.

4. Special Presentation.

PUBLIC HEARING - Annexation - Lookout Mountain Conservancy

PUBLIC HEARING - Deannexation - Institute of Health and Healing

5. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. 2017-086 Tony Hill (Lift and Amend Conditions). An ordinance to amend
Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to lift Condition
Nos. #2 and #4 and amend Condition Nos. #1 and #3 of Ordinance No. 9582 on
property located at 4527 Hixson Pike, more particularly described herein, subject to
certain conditions. (District 2) (Recommended for approval by Planning and
recommended for denial by Staff)

6. Ordinances – First Reading:



a. 2017-126 Henry Apartments, LLC (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and
abandoning an unopened alley off the 500 block of Cherokee Boulevard, to allow for
construction of a new apartment building, as detailed on the attached map, subject to
certain conditions. (District 1) (Recommended for approval by Transportation)

7. Resolutions:


Public Works

a. A resolution authorizing the award of Contract No. W-15-009-201 to Haren
Construction Company, Inc. of Etowah, TN, MBWWTP Control Room Upgrades, a
Consent Decree supported project, in the amount of $1,564,000.00, with a
contingency amount of $156,000.00, for an amount not to exceed $1,720,000.00.
(District 1) (Consent Decree)

b. A resolution to approve the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to
accept a donation of approximately three hundred fifty (350) pallets of rock from
Sequatchie Concrete to be used on various projects in the City-Wide Services
operations and other future design projects for the City.

8. Purchases.

9. Other Business.

10. Committee Reports.

11. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda Matters.

12. Adjournment.

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