Roy Exum: Send Marines To Chicago

  • Sunday, January 8, 2017
  • Roy Exum
Roy Exum
Roy Exum

A thug by the name of Jordan Hill may have just done what a mayor named Rahm Emanuel cannot. It’s now easy odds a new “Sheriff” is coming to Chicago by the name of Donald Trump. Hill is the “movie star” in a 28-minute Facebook video this week where he and three other thugs attack and defile one of Hill’s former classmates at an alternative school. The tape has been seen by millions and, after I have now read the official police report, I have no doubt the President-elect can hardly wait to, … yes, invade the Windy City.

There are some who believe the word “thug” defiles black people. In my mind nothing could be further from the truth. A thug is a criminal while the vast majority of blacks are most certainly not. A criminal is the type of evil and vile people who in the last 12 months have killed 762 people within Chicago’s city limits. In 2015 there were 485 homicides and the 2016 number is the largest spike seen in 60 years.

On January 2 Trump tweeted: “Chicago murder rate is record-setting – 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. If Mayor can’t do it he must ask for Federal help!”

Since that time, 18-year-old Jordan Hill has been seen by millions torturing another 18-year old by forcing the mentally-disabled boy, who suffers from schizophrenia and ADD, to repeatedly shout “F*** Trump,” kiss the floor, also yell “F*** white people” and repeatedly force him to drink from the toilet. Tesfaye Cooper and Brittany Covington, also 18, were in on it, as was Brittany’s sister, Tanisha, age 24 and the mother of two children.

The four face a number of charges, including kidnapping as well as “hate crimes,” since the attackers are black and the victim is white. On Thursday a Chicago judge denied all four bail, saying, “I am looking at each of you and wondering where was the sense of decency that each of you should have had? I don’t see it.”

In certain Chicago neighborhoods, you cannot find it, either. Of the 4,331 shootings in 2016, a full 80 percent of the victims were black and 16 percent Hispanic. Less than 50 whites were involved all year. The vast majority of the shooters come from four low-income neighborhoods – Austin (537 shootings), Englewood (441), Garfield Park (384) and North Lawndale (277.) Police say the mayhem is almost totally gang-related and they identified over 80 percent of the victims as being “at risk” before they were shot.

All of America knows Chicago is completely out-of-control and, when “the Facebook Four” take great glee in making their victim repeatedly yell, “F*** Trump,” I am of the belief the incoming administration ought to send in a company of Marines and declare martial law. (This is where the highest-ranking military officer becomes the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of local and state government.)

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country yet officials marvel that over 8,000 illegal guns were gathered by police, which is just a fraction of the easily-obtained firepower that the uninformed blame for the carnage. Please! Adam Collins, a spokesman for Emanuel’s office, is among the delusional:

“We agree the federal government has a strong role to play in public safety by funding summer jobs and prevention programs for at-risk youth, by holding criminals who break our gun laws accountable for their crimes, by passing meaningful gun laws, and building the partnerships our police have with federal law enforcement.”

That statement is going to sit about as well with Trump as our movie stars who swore they were moving to Canada. Outspoken Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke calls it right by characterizing what he calls excessively permissible policing. “Rahm Emanuel has allowed Black Lives Matter and the ACLU to run the police department, “ the sheriff claimed while Newt Gingrich, a former House Speaker who is quite visible in Trump’s camp told Fox News, “If this had been done to an African-American by four whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged. There is no question this is a hate crime.”

Clarence Page, a noted columnist for the Chicago Tribune, is black and said it was hardly any time before he was barraged by taunts for him to justify the thugs’ actions. “Justify? Why would I want to justify such barbaric bullying? “Why would I want to excuse the barbarism in that video to laugh lustily as they drank alcohol, smoked blunts (marijuana), cut out a piece of their victim’s scalp and forced him to drink from a toilet bowl?

Just like virtually every other black person in America, he added, “I have no sympathy for the young idiots who can be heard spouting racial epithets and obscene remarks about President-elect Donald Trump and ‘white people’ in general.” Then he hit the nail on the head, “They could not have produced a more effective insult to hard-working, law-abiding black Americans if they tried.”

That is why I don’t think Trump’s impending invasion of Chicago will be in retribution or spite. In his campaign rhetoric, the President-elect repeatedly vowed to attack the fear in America’s inner cities. “African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell because it is so dangerous.

“You walk down the street and you get shot. In Chicago they’ve had thousands and thousands of shootings … and I say, ‘Where is this? Is this a war-torn country? What are we doing?’” Trump asked to the roar of more than several crowds.

That’s why I believe in a couple of weeks we’ll have a president who will try to fix Chicago. “The Facebook Four” only gave Trump’s incoming administration a dazzling reminder. The Donald is coming to Chicago … and he’s bringing hell with him.

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