New Hinkle Fire Hall Still Vacant, But Commissioner Heiskell Says It Will Be Used

  • Wednesday, July 13, 2016
New fire hall and community center at Hinkle, Ga.
New fire hall and community center at Hinkle, Ga.

A stately new fire hall at Hinkle on Lookout Mountain still stands empty, but Walker County Commissioner Bebe Heiskell said it will soon be getting valuable use.

She said it is designed both to replace an inadequate fire hall as well as serve as a community meeting place and shelter in time of storms.

Commissioner Heiskell said she was recently asked why the new facility is still empty and she called Randy Camp, county EMS director. She said he told her "they just haven't got around to it yet."

The sole commissioner said the current fire hall "is just awful. It doesn't meet any of the current fire codes."

She said that facility may be put to use to store road equipment as well as salt for use during snow and ice storms.

She said some additional funds are needed to complete the interior of the community section at the new building on Lula Lake Road. She said a grant is being sought for that.

Commissioner Heiskell said such a facility was badly needed when a devastating tornado struck Hinkle in 2011. There were no deaths or serious injuries, but there was substantial property damage.

She said, "People's roofs were torn off and they had no place to go. It was a sad situation. Now there will be a center for them to gather."

Commissioner Heiskell also said she hopes the new building will spur some nearby commercial growth.

She said, "You have to drive a long way from there to buy gas. It would be nice to get a food store with gas pumps."

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