This is what I don't understand. Christians refusing to vote for anyone who is not squeaky clean and who doesn't live up to our standards.
I'm not bashing Christians. I proudly proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. But If we made our voice known more we could have a lot greater influence than we have. And I don't mean just boycotting.
I specifically mean the last two election cycles. Five million Christians stayed home in 2012 because Romney was a Mormon. Obama was reelected by like 1.6 million votes. Now let me ask you this: how do you think Romney would have handled the genocide of Christians in the Middle East by ISIS? I can tell you right now it would have never even gotten to that point. But by being stubborn, Christians refused to vote for Romney and gave the election to Obama.
Next time you think a particular candidate is not up to par, consider what will be in his place and ask yourself if you would rather have the alternative and how it will affect nearly everybody in America and the world because it does and it will.
Third party candidates are a fantasy and a joke. Bush 1 was defeated because of a third party candidate took votes from him and Bill Clinton was elected. With Bill Clinton America got partial birth abortion, a dramatic increase in pornography due to the Clinton Administration's encouragement of the loosing of the broadcast regulations, and we got scandal after scandal embarrassing our country.
It is not enough to sit on the sidelines and pout because our favorite candidate was not chosen to be the GOP nominee. This is immature and selfish. Now, I'm sure you're thinking I'm standing up for principle. That's fine. But let me tell you this, in this world we don't usually get what we want. We have to make the best with what we have.
Yes, by all means choose the lesser of two evils. Many Christians throughout the world could have used Romney last time. Some Christians do not have the luxury of choosing the "absolute without a doubt most pure" candidate for office. Some Christians like the ones in Syria must align themselves with dictators like Bashar Al Asad and even Saddam Hussein for protection.
Let's make the best choice we can this election cycle. Many people are depending on us to do the right thing and they're not all Christians.
PS: Trump/Kasich or Rubio and Cruz as SCOTUS nominee? That will unify all three wings of the GOP. Populist, establishment, and social conservative.
Folks, this is the chance of a lifetime to seriously change the way things are going. Make the most of this opportunity. Unite.
Ben Smith