Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, May 27, 2016

Here is the upcoming City Council for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Gilbert).

III. Minute Approval.

IV. Special Presentation.

V. Ordinances – Final Reading: (None)

VI. Ordinances – First Reading:


a. 2016-024 Belle Investment Company/Third Street Partners/Jimmy & Molly
Seal (R-4 Special Zone to C-3 Convenience Commercial Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1028 and 1042 East 3rd
Street and 1039, 1043, and 1047 East 4th Street, more particularly
described herein, from R-4 Special Zone to C-3 Convenience Commercial
Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 8) (Recommended for
approval by Planning and Staff) (Deferred from 5/17/2016)

VII. Resolutions:


a. A resolution to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Becky Browder to the
Carter Street Corporation Board.


Public Works

b. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public
Works to award Contract No. W-15-018-201 to P.F. Moon and Company
Company, Inc. of West Point, GA, Rectangular Sludge Collection
Equipment at Moccasin Bend WWTP, in the amount of $3,957,479.68, with
a contingency amount of $395,750.00, for an amount not to exceed
$4,353,229.68. (District 1)

c. A resolution to rename the 1 to 99 block of East 14th Street to 1 to 99 block
of Station Street, as referenced in Case No. 2016-PW-02. (District 8)


d. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Youth
and Family Development to accept the quote by Mid-America Sports
Advantage, and to contract with said company to provide stadium seats at
Warner Park Softball Complex, Jim Frost Stadium, for the provided
estimate, in the amount of $34,672.79.

VIII. Departmental Reports:

a) Police.
b) Fire.
c) Economic and Community Development.
d) Youth and Family Development.
e) Transportation.
f) Public Works.
g) Finance.
h) IT.
i) Human Resources.
j) General Services.

IX. Purchases.

X. Other Business.

a) JJ’s Liquor License, 4204 Rossville Blvd., Chattanooga, TN,
District 7

b) Wine Licenses for the following Grocery Stores:

1) Earth Fare, Inc. #420, 1814 Gunbarrel Road, Suite 100, Chattanooga, TN 37421,District 4

2) Food City #701, 7804 East Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421, District 4

3) Food City #703, 5604 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343, District 3

4) Food City #705, 1600 E. 23rd Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403, District 8

5) Food City #706, 4510 Highway 58, Chattanooga, TN 37406, District 5

6) Food City #715, 703 Signal Mountain Road, Chattanooga, TN 37405, District 1

7) Food City #716, 3801 Tennessee Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37409, District 7

8) Food City #726, 3600 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37415, District 2

9) Food City #735, 6951 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga, TN 37421, District 6

10) Food City #759, 4011 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411, District 5

11) Food City #774, 9213 Lee Hwy., Ooltewah, TN 37363, District 6

12) Fresh Market #22, 2288 Gunbarrel Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421, District 4

13) Whole Foods Market Chattanooga, 301 Manufacturers Road, Chattanooga, TN
37405, District 1

14) Publix Tennessee, LLC #1165, 8644 E. Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421,
District 4

15) Publix Tennessee, LLC #1166, 5928 Hixson Pike, Suite 112, Hixson, TN 37343,
District 3

16) Publix Tennessee, LLC #1244, 5958 Snow Hill Road, Suite 168, Ooltewah, TN
37363, District 6

17) Publix Tennessee, LLC #1460, 400 N. Market Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405,
District 2

XI. Committee Reports.

XII. Agenda Session for Tuesday, June 7, 2016.

XIII. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda

XIV. Adjournment.

6:00 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilwoman Berz).

3. Minute Approval.

4. Special Presentation.

5. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. 2016-024 Belle Investment Company/Third Street Partners/Jimmy & Molly
Seal (R-4 Special Zone to C-3 Convenience Commercial Zone). An
ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning
Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1028 and 1042 East 3rd
Street and 1039, 1043, and 1047 East 4th Street, more particularly
described herein, from R-4 Special Zone to C-3 Convenience Commercial
Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 8) (Recommended for
approval by Planning and Staff) (Deferred from 5/17/2016)

6. Ordinances – First Reading: (None)

7. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the appointments of Jeremy Durham, Cynthia
Irvin, Andrew Pierson, and Kevin Moses as special police officers
(unarmed) for the Hamilton County Parks and Recreation to do special
duties as prescribed herein, subject to certain conditions.

b. A resolution authorizing the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to execute a
contract with H&D International Group and Solutions as the provider of
professional services to the Department of Information Technology for
the period of one (1) year beginning June 1, 2016 through June 1, 2017 (with
the option to extend for two (2) additional years), for an amount not to
exceed $1 million per contract year.


c. A resolution authorizing the Chief of the Chattanooga Police Department
to enter into an agreement with Tritech Software Systems for annual
support and maintenance of the RMS system for the period of July 1, 2016
through June 30, 2017, for an amount not to exceed $255,940.28.

d. A resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding for access to
the Chattanooga Area COPLINK NODE between Chattanooga Police
Department (486 Users); Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (165 Users);
Cleveland Police Department (91 Users); Bradley County Sheriff’s Office
(104 Users); Signal Mountain Police Department (16 Users); East Ridge
Police Department (38 Users); and Red Bank Police Department (22
Users) designed to establish a cost sharing agreement between all
agencies, with the City’s portion in the amount of $17,584.02, for a total
amount of $32,563.00.


Public Works

e. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public
Works to enter into year five (5) of the five (5) year contract with Jacobs
Engineering Group for continuation of program management services
associated with the Consent Decree, Contract No. W-12-008-101, in the
amount of $2,298,894.00. (Consent Decree)

f. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public
Works to award Contract No. W-16-005-201 to JDH Company, Inc. of
Chattanooga, TN, Filter Press Building Re-Roofing Project, Non-Consent
Decree, in the amount of $235,098.61, with a contingency amount of
$23,500.00, for an amount not to exceed $258,598.61. (Non-Consent
Decree) (District 1)

g. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public
Works to award Contract No. P-15-001-201 to Mosteller’s of Chattanooga,
TN, HCSO-CPD Training Trailer Relocation, in the amount of $76,818.00.
(District 1)


h. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of
Transportation to enter into a Partnership Agreement with Gestamp
North America Division for Signal Upgrade for Hickory Valley Road at
Discovery Drive and to accept a contribution of $70,303.00 towards the
cost of traffic signal improvement. (District 6)

i. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of
Transportation to amend an agreement with Thomas Brothers
Construction relative to Contract No. T-14-041-201, associated with
construction services for Virginia Avenue Neighborhood Greenway, to
release the contingency and increase the contract amount by $119,747.25,
for a revised contract amount of $371,311.75. (District 7)

j. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of
Transportation to accept the qualifications for crack seal and bituminous
surface treatment from Remac, Inc., Jarrett Builders, Inc., and Hudson
Construction, Inc. and to enter into three (3) one (1) year blanket contracts
with these professional firms subject to two (2) renewal options for crack
seal services estimated at $150,000.00 total annually for all three (3)
professional firms.

8. Departmental Reports:

a) Police.
b) Fire.
c) Economic and Community Development.
d) Youth and Family Development.
e) Transportation.
f) Public Works.
g) Finance.
h) IT.
i) Human Resources.
j) General Services.
9. Purchases.

10. Other Business.

11. Committee Reports.

12. Agenda Session for Tuesday, June 14, 2016.

13. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda

14. Adjournment.

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