East Ridge Council Amends Budget; Revenues Up

  • Friday, May 27, 2016
  • Gail Perry

The 2015-2016 fiscal year budget was amended at the East Ridge City Council meeting Thursday night to appropriate enough money to cover expenses. This is done periodically throughout the year. Since the last time the budget was amended, additional expenses that need to be added include repairs to a diesel pump to fuel the city’s diesel vehicles, overtime paid to employees at Camp Jordan Arena, money for the purchase of a new drug dog, The salary of one employee that had been omitted when the original budget was created and the addition of two part time employees. The needed changes were due to the combination of unexpected things happening and the fact that not enough money was budgeted this year, said Diane Qualls, interim city treasurer.

There are a lot of good things happening in the way of finances, however, said Ms. Qualls, Total revenues for the month of May were at 100 percent of the amount budgeted. Property taxes collected were close to 100 percent, delinquent property taxes collected were at 101 percent, business licenses were at 105 percent and the state delinquent taxes are increasing because more businesses are in compliance with the requirement of having licenses. Sanitation fees collected were at 95 percent, building permits at 257 percent and mechanical permits at 376 percent year to date.

A piece of property that is located on Camp Jordan Parkway was rezoned from R-1 Residential Zone to C-1 Tourism Commercial District. It is land that was sold to the developers of the Bass Pro Shop complex. The Army Corp of Engineers is currently studying a proposal that would allow a small portion of the land, about a fourth of the lot which is in a flood zone, to be filled which would allow it to be used for parking. The city charter says that nothing can be built in a flood zone, which is the status of the other three quarters of the lot. The zoning designation will actually be moot, said Mayor Brent Lambert, if the builders cannot get a permit, because if that occurs, no building of any kind will be permitted.

A house at 501 Notre Dame Ave. was also rezoned. The lot actually sits on South Terrace sandwiched between a church and another house that was rezoned previously, and now holds a business. The Chattanooga-Hamilton Regional Planning Agency (RPA) gave approval. The East Ridge planning committee also approved but included the conditions that if a dumpster is on the site, a wooden screen be erected, no additional structures can be added and parking lot lighting should not be invasive to houses nearby.

The city has recently received complaints about construction noise in residential areas. The ordinance has been reviewed and is adequate and will be enforced, said the mayor. Allowable construction hours are from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays.

Interim City Manager Mike Williams will be out of town and inaccessible for four days at the end of this month. In the event that something needs immediate attention while he is gone, Diane Qualls was named by the city manager to assistant deputy city manager. The resolution for this action limits the effective term to the time when the city manager returns to office or the new city manager is actively employed by East Ridge.

The council voted unanimously to participate in two grants. They voted to apply for the Firehouse Subs Grant and if awarded it, to accept the grant. The money would be designated for the purchase of defibrillators for the Police Department. The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, from the United States Department of Justice will provide $11,084 for the purchase of equipment and training for the police department.

Permission was given to waive the rent for the Corvette Club to use Camp Jordan Arena for an annual car show that will take place August 6. Last year the event raised money for three charities and $2,700 went to the East Ridge needy child fund. The amount of money given to the fund is greater than rent would be, said Director of Parks and Recreation Stump Martin. This year the club will support only two charities so the amount given to the Needy Child Fund is expected to increase from last year. This is the same kind of arrangement that the city has with the Optimist Club which will be holding a fishing rodeo on June 4, at no cost for the children.

On Monday the city will hold a Memorial Day service at 1 p.m. in front of the Pioneer Frontier. State Senator Todd Gardenhire, Congressman Chuck Fleishmann and Rep. Marc Gravitt will speak. A special presentation will be made by the American Legion.

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