CARTA Plans 20 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations In Chattanooga, New Electric Vehicle Car-Share Program

  • Thursday, April 21, 2016

CARTA officials said Thursday that it is about to launch - along with TVA - installation of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city as well as a new electric vehicle ride share program.

Philip Pugliese said the first phase of the project funds the development, system design, siting, construction, operation, reporting, and management of an electric vehicle charging system with approximately 20 locations and also the development of solar energy generation facilities at separate sites which are integrated into the local power grid.

He said phase two of the project will be the development and deployment of an electric vehicle car-sharing system which will be operated from the new vehicle charging stations across the community, "and will serve as a new component of an integrated public transportation system in Chattanooga."


Pugliese said CARTA will own the charging stations, but the EV car-sharing program will be operated by a private firm.

There will be no charge to the driver of an electric vehicle for using the charges.

Mr. Pugliese said the rate has not been set for taking a spin in one of the shared electric vehicles.

Steve Jett, CARTA board chairman, said the car-sharing program is expected to bolster CARTA's transit program rather compete with it. He said it would be another option for those seeking local transportation, especially those who do not own vehicles.

Mr. Pugliese said it is computed that one of the car-sharing vehicles "can replace 19 vehicles in the neighborhood."

A CARTA board member told of using car-sharing in another city recently when she was in town without a vehicle and needed to get to a meeting that was not on the bus line.

Mr. Pugliese said the program involving the charging stations is expected to pay for itself. The stations will be operated by solar panels. He said EPB and TVA pay a premium for solar-generated power that goes into the grid. 

Officials said, "Through the expansion of charging stations, the installation of renewable solar power generation, and the use of plug-in electric vehicles, this project will promote the adoption of clean energy technologies and will reduce engine emissions from vehicle use on a sustained basis. A research component of the project will track the utilization of this system to gather data to support additional development for the Tennessee Valley.

"CARTA’s vision is to provide an initial network of 20 electric vehicle charging stations (“pods”), each containing between two and six electric vehicle charging ports."

 Specific goals include:

•       Expanding the public electric charging network to make it easier for current and future electric/plug in hybrid electric vehicles to operate in our area

       Creating a solar energy generation system that will create sufficient amounts of renewable energy to operate the electric charging stations and to power the car share service

       Reducing local vehicle emissions and educating the public on the benefits of environmental stewardship

Proposed partner charging station sites:

*       CARTA Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

       CARTA Shuttle Park South

       CARTA Shuttle Park North

       CARTA Shuttle Park North Shore

       CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. Hamilton Place Mall

       CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. Northgate Mall

       Chattanooga Airport

       Chattanooga Theatre Center

       CHI Memorial Hospital Memorial Main Hospital

       City of Chattanooga –  5th & Palmetto

       City of Chattanooga Warner Park/Chattanooga Zoo

       City of Chattanooga W 11th St @ Market/Broad

       Eastgate Town Center

       Erlanger Heath System Erlanger East

       Hamilton County Tennessee River Park Chattanooga State

       Kinsey Probasco Hays –  Flying Squirrel/Crash Pad

       Orange Grove Center

       Southern Adventist University

       United Methodist Neighborhood Centers, Inc. The Bethlehem Center


•       CARTA Main Facility

       Chattanooga Airport

       Southern Adventist University


Site Host agreements have been submitted for approval to all parties.

CARTA opened bids for construction and installation of all electric and solar equipment on Feb. 9. Preferred construction contractor has been identified and the contract was awarded in early April.

 All construction should be complete within 160 days.

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