Outdoor Chattanooga News And Events

  • Thursday, March 24, 2016
  • Ruth Thompson

Here are upcoming news and events from Outdoor Chattanooga:

Interscholastic Archery League Meets: April 2 & 30
The Interscholastic Archery League provides area students with an opportunity to learn, practice, and compete in the growing sport of archery. Regardless of the student's prior experience or knowledge level, there is a place for them in the league. Outdoor Chattanooga partnered with River City Archery to bring this opportunity to participate in archery as an after school activity to all middle and high school students.

Students can register and shoot under different divisions based upon their grade and type of equipment they will be using. There are 2 more meets remaining; Sat., April 2 and April 30. For more information on how to get involved in the league, email Outdoor Chattanooga or call (423) 643-6888.

All About Surfski Paddlesports with Pro Sean Rice April 12

Interested in Surfski as your next paddle sport? Then come to Outdoor Chattanooga on Tues., April 12 from 6 - 7 p.m. and learn from two-time World Surfski Champion, Sean Rice as he presents on the various aspects of the sport, how to get started, and the lifestyle of a pro racer. There will also be Surfski's on hand to view. The presentation is free and open to all ages. 

Introduction to Mountain Biking: Core Skills Builder Course April 15
Mountain Biking is so much more than just riding a bike through the woods! Outdoor Chattanooga now offers an Introduction to Mountain Biking: Core Skills Builder Course and an Introduction to Mountain Biking: Singletrack Trail Class. The Core Skills Builder will introduce and reinforce the core skills that are required to get the most out of mountain biking. Once participants have attended at least one core class they are eligible to participate in the Singletrack Trail Classes to apply their skills on singletrack. Let our instructors teach you in a format that can be structured to your pace and individual learning style. This class is ideal for the complete novice or for those who wish to practice specific skills in a controlled setting. Appropriate for ages 10-110. Cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required. Call Outdoor Chattanooga at (423) 643-6888 to register and make payment. Loaner equipment is available if needed, but is limited. Participants must already know how to confidently ride a bike for these classes. 

2016 Schedule of Core Skill Builder Classes 
Friday April 15
Tuesday April 19 
Tuesday May 3
Friday May 6
Friday May 20 
Monday May 23 
Tuesday Aug 23 
Friday Sept 16 
Friday Oct 21 

Community Events

Park Day 2016 April 2
Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park is partnering with Glass House Collective, Southeastern Conservation Corp, Sierra Club, and the Trust for Public Land to host Park Day 2016 clean up work day at the Pennsylvania Reservation at the corner of Glass Street and Campbell Road. Volunteers with muscles are needed to assist with pulling out the larger items. Tennessee Valley Authority and Scenic City Beautiful will provide gloves, trash picker up'ers, and garbage bags. Water and box lunches will also be provided.

Volunteer for Civil War Trust Park Day 2016 April 2
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park and the Civil War Trust invite the public to participate in Park Day 2016 on Sat., April 2. Civil War Trust Park Day is a nationwide volunteer effort aimed at preserving Civil War Sites across the country. Project day registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center. Projects will be completed between 12-1 p.m. and will include a special interpretive program about the work area. All volunteers will receive a t-shirt and lunch will be provided by Friends of the Park. Long pants and sturdy shoes are required for all projects. For more information on how to get involved and pre-register to volunteer, email Will Sunderland or call (423) 752-5213 x137.

South Chickamauga Greenway Grand Opening Celebration April 9
The community is invited to attend a family fun day on Sat., April 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to celebrate the Grand Opening of the South Chickamauga Creek Connector. The event will kick off with the South Chick Sunriser 5K race, followed by an art bike parade put on by Art120. There will be canoe and bike rentals, live bluegrass music, two outdoor yoga classes, food trucks, an outdoor market, children's activities and more. The goal is to get people on the Riverwalk to see the new bridge and enjoy the outdoors. Click here for directions.

Community News

Chattanooga Cycleboats
Chattanooga Cycleboats, located at Ross's Landing, is the newest tour company in Chattanooga and the only company that offers bike-boat tours on the Tennessee River. Ride a bike and power a boat...What a great way to get outside and get active while hanging out with friends/family! Click here to visit their website and book your tour. 

Now Hiring! Internship Opportunity at Lula Lake
Assistant Land Manager (Summer Intern)
Eager to learn the ins and outs of land management? This is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience, from trail building and erosion control to water quality testing and invasive species eradication. Through our partnership with the Southeast Youth Corps, this summer internship position offers AmeriCorps program benefits and an excellent introduction to careers in conservation. Click here for application info plus more details about this and other job/intern opportunities with Southeast Youth Corps.

Give Input on Bicycling in Chattanooga April 6
The Georgia Institute of Technology is conducting research on the barriers and benefits of bicycling in Chattanooga. They want to hear resident's opinions and concerns about biking. There will be two 90-minute focus groups on Wed., April 6, at 12 p.m. or 5 p.m. at Bessie Smith Cultural Center, 200 E MLK Blvd. One group will be for residents who do not cycle or cycle infrequently and another will be for residents who cycle more than two days per month. Please email Kari Watkins or call 206-250-4415 to be considered for participation in these focus groups. Participants will be compensated $40 for their time and refreshments will be provided.

2016 Upcoming Events
26       Open Day Lula Lake Land Trust
          Birds of Prey Presentation
          Spring Hike with SVI

2        Civil War Trust Park Day 2016
          Pow Wow & Native American Heritage Festival
          Mountain Goat Trail Run & Walk
          Interscholastic Archery League: Meet 2
          Open Day Lula Lake Land Trust
6        Spring Fling at Flying Squirrel
8-9     Sculpture Fields Grand Opening
9        Turtlehead Duathlon
          Little Cedar Mountain Trail Run
9-10    Garden Expo
10       Nature Calls 15K & 5K Trail Race
11       Learn to Ride a Bicycle
12       All About Surf Ski with Pro Sean Rice
13       Adventure & Ales at the CampHouse
14       Slow Ride East Lake
15       Intro to Mountain Biking: Core Skills Builder
15-16   Reflection Riding Annual Native Plant Sale
15-17   Trails & Trilliums
16       Intro to Mountain Biking: Singletrack Trail Class
          Chickamauga Chase
          Cumberland Trail Spring Festival
          Night Run 5K Chattanooga
          Spring Hike with SVI
16-24  Free National Park Week
18       Street Cycling 101
19       Intro to Mountain Biking: Core Skills Builder
21       Lula Lake Night @ Flying Squirrel
22       Full Moon Canoe Paddle
22-23  TN Bike Summit
23       Clean & Green Chattanooga
          Outdoor Expo & Gear Swap
          Night Shift 3/6 Hours of TNT
          ESNP 2016 Bike Day
          Sand Rock Earth Day Clean Up
24       Black Forest Classic: TYMBR Series
28       Corporate Challenge 5K
29-30   Blue Ridge Trout Festival
30       Latin Festival
          Interscholastic Archery League: Meet 3
          Open Day Lula Lake Land Trust

1        Open Day Lula Lake Land Trust
7        3 State 3 Mountain Challenge
14       Little Owl Festival
15       Night Run Chattanooga 5K
21       Paddling By Moonlight
22       Ironman 70.3
24       Chattanooga Chase

3        TVCC Paddle School
4        National Trails Day
11      Centennial Program
         Free Fishing Day

Native Plant Nursery Opening Rescheduled
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Due to the forecasted severe weather and for the safety of staff, Reflection Riding will be closing its campus on Saturday. The native plant nursery will officially open to the public starting ... more

Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission To Meet March 21 And Preview 2025-26 Hunting & Trapping Seasons
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The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will preview its recommendations for the 2025-26 hunting and trapping seasons at the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Friday, March 21 meeting ... more