Red Bank Sets Sign And Billboard Moratorium; Saves Pool Repair Money By Doing The Work Itself

  • Wednesday, March 16, 2016
  • Gail Perry

 Red Bank officials have been working to promote economic development in the city and are seeing significant progress, said Mayor John Roberts. At the commission meeting Tuesday night, a resolution was passed declaring a moratorium on the issuance of new permanent sign permits in the central business district for one calendar year.


The mayor said that the central business district is a vital part of any town and the heart of a community.

He said that the city leaders need to decide what the central district should look like. A big part of that is signage. The moratorium will allow time for review, study and pass new regulatory ordinances in regard to signs in the C-2 zone. The delay of new sign permits will also include billboards in all zones of the city.


The commissioners in a unanimous vote denied funding for pool repairs by the only company that submitted a bid for the work. After the bid had been received, Everclear Pool and Outdoor Company asked the city for more money to do the job. The commissioners felt it was in the best interest of the city to terminate the agreement with that company. Instead, the city will do the work by acting as the contractor. It will purchase the materials and hire out each job as needed to do the renovations.


One problem that was anticipated was the removal of the old pool liner. The bid for that alone had been $10,000. Public Works Director Tim Thornbury said that his department removed the liner in the large pool and the wading pool in just a few days. The public works department has also installed a new roof on the pump house and restrooms, constructed an additional office and made electrical upgrades, all done in house.


In the early morning hours of March 3, a car crash occurred where Dayton Boulevard and Memorial Drive meet, resulting in taking out a traffic light control box for all signals at that intersection. The public works department responded along with the police department. Because of the large volume of traffic that passes through daily, replacement of the control box was considered an emergency and the city made an emergency repair by replacing the box in order to have it operable as soon as possible. The commissioners voted their approval of the decision and for the expenditure to make the repair since it was unbudgeted. The city is pursuing repayment from the insurance company of the driver who was responsible for the collision.


The commission voted to amend the agreement between the city of Red Bank and the Trust for Public Land in regard to the Stringer’s Ridge extension project. The trail now ends before reaching Red Bank. The extension will lead into White Oak Park. Talking to property owners to acquire all the land and easements needed to do this has taken longer than expected. The original agreement terminates March 31, 2016, so amending the existing agreement for another year will allow more time to accomplish accumulating use of the needed land.


Approval was given for the city to apply to the Governor’s Highway Safety Office for a distracted driving reduction enforcement grant. The money would be used to develop an effective program and overtime for police officers to implement the program. If received, it would be a 100 percent grant with no match required from the city.


On second and final reading, rezoning property at 3714 Redding Road from R-1A Residential to R-Z-1 Zero Lot Line Residential was approved. This will allow Matthew Green Construction to divide a 100-foot lot into two 50-foot lots to build two single-family houses. Final approval was also given to rezone 2416 Lyndon Ave. from R-2 residential to R-T/Z Townhouse/Zero Lot Line where the developer plans to build five townhouses.


A donation of $25,250 has been given to Red Bank by the Red Bank and Soddy Daisy Charitable Foundation. The commissioners accepted the gift that will be used to increase parking for the dog park in White Oak Park.


Two events that will take place in Red Bank were announced at the commission meeting. The annual Red Bank Jubilee is scheduled for May 7 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Applications are available for vendors.


A new event, a fundraiser for schools in the city, will be sponsored by the Red Bank Foundation consisting of around 50 businesses. The event will be coordinated by the Red Bank Lions Club. Club Secretary Eric McRoy said that on June 3 and 4 at the old middle school property, the Kansas City Barbecue Society, a national organization, will come to Red Bank and hold a barbeque competition that will be named “Fire in the Valley.” There will be two tiers, a “master contest” and a “back-yard contest.”  Plans for the profits from the event are to start an education fund to help the city.


Mayor Roberts told the audience that the city of Red Bank has proclaimed April 2, 2016 Autism Awareness Day. He said “it is a special thing and they are special people.”




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