Why I'm Voting For Hillary Clinton - And Response (6)

  • Monday, February 29, 2016

Tomorrow, Tennessee Democrats face a major decision: who should be our nominee for President of the United States? With demagogues like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz leading in the Republican name-calling contest, the stakes in November couldn’t be higher. For that reason and many others, I am endorsing Hillary Clinton for president and encourage everyone to vote for her on March 1 and again on Nov. 8. 

Secretary Clinton has worked for decades to support the working class, increase access to affordable medical care and keep our country safe from those who would do us harm.

While several candidates this year have correctly identified the problems we as a nation face, I believe she is the best choice to actually offer workable solutions to them. Please join me in voting for Hillary Clinton for President. 

Chris Anderson
Chattanooga City Council
District 7 

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Mr. Anderson's post is exactly what happens when people vote for the party rather than the best individual. If he really believes Hillary will keep our country safe then he should call the families of the victims in Benghazi.  

She has never had a job that ended with any measure of success.

Jimmy Gray

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Mr. Gray's post is exactly what happens when people vote for the party rather than the best individual.

If he really thinks any of the GOP "candidates" will keep our country safe, then he should call the families of those killed on 9/11 or the relatives of the thousands of U.S. casualties in George W. Bush's questionable "War On Terror".

One thing we can't do is ask bin Laden what he thinks. The Obama Administration took care of that while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Herb Montgomery 

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Hillary Clinton is a liar, always has been and always will be. She lied during the inquiries into Watergate, lied about Benghazi and lied about her email server. 

She will continue the false narrative of “systemic racism by police” to garner votes from minorities. 

Mr. Montomery, have you forgotten that Hillary Clinton (Senator) voted in favor of the war in Iraq that you called George W. Bushes questionable “war on terror”. You give her credit for killing Bin Laden? Let’s not forget her pictures shaking hands with that same man and lets also not forget that her husband while president had the opportunity to kill Ben Laden but didn’t. 

Hillary Clinton is a hateful person who will further divide our nation along racial lines. She has no business in the White house. 

Hillary Clinton certainly is not a viable choice at all. 

Mike Cox

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Mr. Montgomery, you give me hope that America will survive. We need thoughtful, intelligent voices such as yours. 

Thank you very much for your words and wisdom. 

Cecilia Lewis

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It was and is a tragedy anytime that American lives are lost in service to our country. I don't however recall the same amount of time and effort being spent on hearings and investigations
into attacks under previous administrations. A little bit of research quickly shows that under President Bush there were at least 13 attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates, resulting in 60 deaths. 

Under Reagan there were at least seven attacks, resulting in over 94 deaths. Where is/was the outrage? I understand that this is an election year and that the right wants to control the message to the un-informed in order to prevent Hillary Clinton from reaching office, but enough is enough. They have searched, probed and discussed ad nauseum, but have found nothing, but yet still keep spending our taxpayer dollars looking for a scandal. 

I am an independent, but I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Given the choices between the clown college on the right, she is the most qualified, most experienced and seems to be the only adult in the room. 

John Fricke 

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It amazes me that true Americans would consider Hillary Clinton for president. 

I can understand why Obama was elected, we all wanted "Hope and Change".  Well, you see what we got after eight years, and it isn't "Hope and Change". 

I'll admit, I'm not a liberal, but have compassion for my fellow men.   

If you want this country to be the "Land of the Free" and Republic it once was that leads the world, you better think again before considering Hillary Clinton for President. 

If Hillary gets elected, God help us all. 

Jim Rosenbloom

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