Smoke Begins Pouring From Kandy Kastle Bus; Everyone Gets Off Safely

  • Friday, February 19, 2016
photo by Gayle Schoenborn

Smoke began pouring from a Kandy Kastle Day Care bus on Friday morning, but everyone was able to get off safely.

The incident happened on Willow Street around 7:20 a.m.

The Chattanooga Fire Department responded and put out the fire.

Gayle Schoenborn, who works nearby at Notre Dame School, said, "Someone in a truck stopped and tried to use his own fire extinguisher to put out the fire, but it only got worse.  The engine exploded and sent that guy flying backward.  It was scary.

"The Kandy Kastle bus driver and the other adult who rides the bus with the children did an excellent job getting everyone off the bus quickly and safely. 

"I stayed way back and just tried to keep the kids calm.  Thank God they all got off that bus." 

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