A Jewish Genetic Carrier Screening Open House, a genetic screening for disorder awareness, will be held Sunday from 1-4 p.m. at the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga, 5461 North Terrace Road.
Officials said one in four or five individuals of Jewish descent carry at least one of 19 different genetic conditions, such as Tay-Sachs, Canavan or Cystic Fibrosis. While these genetic conditions vary in severity and age of onset, most of the disorders are debilitating and many are fatal. Participants will learn more about genetic conditions common to individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent and how genetic carrier screening can provide information for family planning purposes. There will be information about pursuing genetic carrier screening through NxGEN MDx's Ashkenazi Jewish Panel.
A genetic counselor will be present to discuss carrier screening and answer questions and concerns. Make a reservation by emailing rsvp@nxgenmdx.com.