Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, September 25, 2015

Here is the upcoming city council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Freeman).

III. Minute Approval.

IV. Special Presentation.

Austrian Red Cross and Slovakian Red Cross
By Julia Wright and Tyler Yount

V. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 5, Section
5-47, relative to beer and alcoholic beverages.


Ordinances – First Reading:


a. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 12953 known as “the Fiscal Year
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance” so as to appropriate $11,431.00 from the
General Fund Contingency to the 28th Community Development
Corporation to assist them in paying City property taxes and applicable
fees and penalties on Parcel Nos. 136N-M-006, 137A-F-007, and 137A-F-
008 for the years 2010-2014. (Revised)

b. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 12953 known as the Operations
Budget Ordinance and Ordinance No. 12965 known as the Capital
Improvements Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year 2015-2016 to amend
Sections 9(b) and Section 5(a) respectively.


Public Works

c. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 31, Article
I, Section 31-14 relative to multi-user private sewer systems. (Deferred
from 9/22/2015)

VII. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of
Economic and Community Development to approve the transfer of
property from the 28th Community Development Corporation located at
2611 Lockwood Street, 2613 Lockwood Street, and 2002 Portland Street,
developed with HOME Investment Partnership Program and
Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds to Buffalo Valley, Inc. and to
enter into contractual agreements for the use and operation of the


b. A resolution authorizing the Office of the City Attorney to engage the
various law firms listed below for legal services in general litigation
matters; corporate, transactional & intellectual property matters; and
labor & employment matters for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30,


c. A resolution to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Saunya Goss to the
Library Board.


d. A resolution authorizing the Chief of the Chattanooga Police Department
to enter into a contract for a period of one (1) year with Hope for the
Inner City for case management and support services related to the
Chattanooga Violence Reduction Initiative, for an amount not to exceed


Public Works

e. A resolution authorizing payment to London Center, LLC for a right-ofway
deed and permanent storm drainage easement relative to Contract
No. S-12-003-503, McCutcheon Road Drainage Improvement Project, for
Tract No. 3, property located at Tax Map No. 148D-E-001.03, for an amount
not to exceed $27,405.00. (District 6)

f. A resolution authorizing payment to Robert Bachman for a permanent
storm drainage easement and temporary construction easement relative
to Contract No. S-09-008-508, North St. Elmo Drainage Improvement
Project, for Tract No. 8, property located at Tax Map No. 155J-F-003.01, for
an amount not to exceed $65,002.89, or to authorize the Office of the City
Attorney to begin eminent domain proceedings. (District 7)

g. A resolution authorizing payment to SELOX, Inc. for a permanent storm
drainage easement relative to Contract No. S-09-008-502, North St. Elmo
Drainage Improvement Project, for Tract No. 2, property located at Tax
Map No. 155G-A-013, for an amount not to exceed $48,344.11, or to
authorize the Office of the City Attorney to begin eminent domain
proceedings. (District 7)

h. A resolution authorizing payment to Mount Vernon Properties, LLC for a
right-of-way easement and temporary construction easement relative to
Contract No. S-09-008-506, North St. Elmo Drainage Improvement
Project, for Tract No. 6, property located at Tax Map No. 155J-E-003, for an
amount not to exceed $81,503.10, or to authorize the Office of the City
Attorney to begin eminent domain proceedings. (District 7)

i. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public
Works to finalize an agreement with Norfolk Southern Railway Company
relative to Contract No. S-09-008, North St. Elmo Storm Drainage
Improvement Project, for a Standard Pipe License Agreement, Activity No.
1200922, to cover the insurance fee of $1,000.00 and the one-time license
fee of $35,000.00, for a total amount of $36,000.00. (District 7)

j. A resolution authorizing the waiver of landfill disposal fees associated
with the Tennessee River Rescue Clean-Up on October 3, 2015.

k. A resolution authorizing Certified Lighting c/o Krist Biba, agent for Full
Moon, tenant of the property owner, Northshore Partners, LLC to use
temporarily the right-of-way located on the West Side of North Market
Street in front of the property located at 4 Cherokee Boulevard to install
signage, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part hereof
by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 1)

l. A resolution authorizing Chattanooga Engineering Group c/o Rocky
Chambers, agent for the property owner, Chattem Chemicals, Inc., to use
temporarily the right-of-way of the West Side of St. Elmo Avenue along
the property line of 1705 West 38th Street to repair and maintain a
retaining wall, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part
hereof by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)
m. A resolution authorizing Tyler Gray, property owner, to use temporarily
the right-of-way located on the East Side of Tennessee Avenue in front of
the property located at 3924 Tennessee Avenue to install outdoor dining,
as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part hereof by
reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)

n. A resolution authorizing Ortwein Sign c/o Bonnie Brock, agent for
Puckett’s, tenant of the property owner, Kinsey Probasco Hays c/o Adam
Kinsey to use temporarily the right-of-way located on the West Side of
North Market Street in front of the property located at 2 Aquarium Way
to install signage, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part
hereof by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)

o. A resolution authorizing Passpointe Engineering c/o Jan Pass, agent for
the property owner, Vision Walnut Street, LLC to use temporarily the
right-of-way located along Walnut Street, Aquarium Way, and Riverfront
Parkway in front of 102 Walnut Street for construction of concrete
building footings below street level, outdoor dining area, vegetative
screens, and canopies, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)

p. A resolution authorizing Patricia Shaw, property owner, to use
temporarily the right-of-way of the unopened alley long the North and
East Sides of the property located at 1705 East 49th Street to install
fencing, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part hereof
by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)

q. A resolution authorizing John Sillery, property owner, to use temporarily
the right-of-way of the unopened alley along the East Side of an
unaddressed property located on West 57th Street, detailed herein, to
install fencing, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a part
hereof by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)

r. A resolution authorizing Teresa Wood, property owner, to use
temporarily the right-of-way of the unopened alley along the East Side of
the property located at 1708 West 56th Street to install fencing and a
temporary structure, as shown on the maps attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference, subject to certain conditions. (District 7)
s. A resolution authorizing Ortwein Sign c/o Bonnie Brock, agent for Cotton
& Twine, tenant of property owner, Soho, LLC to use temporarily the rightof-way
located on the North Side of East Main Street in front of the
property located at 45 East Main Street to install signage, as shown on
the maps attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, subject to
certain conditions. (District 8)
t. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding between the Chattanooga Housing Authority and the City
of Chattanooga Department of Youth and Family Development for the use
of the Sheila Jennings Wellness Center located at 1201 Poplar Street on
the grounds of the Poplar Street Apartments, for a term ending March 30,
2018, with lease term renewal options. (District 7)

u. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Youth
and Family Development, to apply for and, if granted, accept a grant from
the 2016 Childhood Obesity Prevention Program, in the amount of

VIII. Departmental Reports:

a) Police.
b) Fire.
c) Economic and Community Development.
d) Youth and Family Development.
e) Transportation.
f) Public Works.
g) Finance.
h) IT.
i) Human Resources.
j) General Services.

IX. Purchases.

X. Other Business.

XI. Committee Reports.

XII. Agenda Session for Tuesday, October 6, 2015.

XIII. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda

XIV. Adjournment.
Agenda for Tuesday, September 29, 2015

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Hakeem).

3. Minute Approval.

4. Special Presentation.

5. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 12953 known as “the Fiscal Year
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance” so as to appropriate $11,431.00 from the
General Fund Contingency to the 28th Community Development
Corporation to assist them in paying City property taxes and applicable
fees and penalties on Parcel Nos. 136N-M-006, 137A-F-007, and 137A-F-
008 for the years 2010-2014. (Revised)

b. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 12953 known as the Operations
Budget Ordinance and Ordinance No. 12965 known as the Capital
Improvements Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year 2015-2016 to amend
Sections 9(b) and Section 5(a) respectively.


Public Works

c. An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 31, Article
I, Section 31-14 relative to multi-user private sewer systems.

6. Ordinances – First Reading: (None)

7. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Chief Information Officer to renew blanket
Contract No. 531672 with Meridian (formerly MAC SOURCE) for
maintenance, technical services, and support for the City Wide Avaya
phone system for one (1) year, for a total amount not to exceed


Public Works

b. A resolution authorizing the waiver of the fee for the 9th Annual “Bark in
the Park” event held at Heritage Park on Saturday, October 10, 2015, for
the total amount of $1,000.00.

c. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of
Transportation to apply for and, if awarded, accept a grant from the
Lyndhurst Foundation for East 5th Street and Houston Street Sidewalk
Improvements, in the amount of $96,550.00. (District 7)

8. Departmental Reports:

a) Police.
b) Fire.
c) Economic and Community Development.
d) Youth and Family Development.
e) Transportation.
f) Public Works.
g) Finance.
h) IT.
i) Human Resources.
j) General Services.

9. Purchases.

10. Other Business.

11. Committee Reports.

12. Agenda Session for Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

13. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council on Non-Agenda

14. Adjournment.

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