green|spaces Hosts Speaker Panel On Jobs Of The Future And Workforce Development

At Smithsonian Exhibit Open House June 24

  • Monday, June 22, 2015

green|spaces will welcome The Way We Worked Smithsonian Exhibit at its space with an open house and panel discussion on Wednesday. The exhibit provides a variety of opportunities of related programs that link local history and current issues enabling guests to probe community perspectives, reflect on the roots of work and employment issues that currently define Chattanooga and consider what the future of work will look like. 

Dr. Tony Donen, principal at the STEM School; Dr. Fannie Hewlett, interim president at Chattanooga State and Ben Schnell, tech recruiter for Lamp Post Group will discuss jobs of the future in Chattanooga along with workforce development that is needed today to fill the jobs.  

The discussion will be hosted at green|spaces at 6 p.m. Tours of the exhibit will be open at green|spaces that evening from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and will remain at green|spaces through July 19. 

The event is free and open to the public with light refreshments served. Guests are ask to RSVP at under the events calendar. 

Group tours of the exhibit after the open house can be schedule by calling green|spaces at 648-0963. The exhibit is presented by Tennessee Humanities and Smithsonian Institution.

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