U.S. Global Leadership Coalition Honors Senator Corker At Annual Tribute Dinner

  • Thursday, June 18, 2015
Senator Bob Corker was honored for championing America’s leadership in the world at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s (USGLC) Annual Tribute Dinner in Washington on Wednesday evening.
“It is hard to recall a time in history when pragmatic U.S. leadership around the world mattered more to our nation’s security and prosperity. Responsible engagement improves individual lives and economic opportunities at home and abroad, and helps head off problems before they become crises,” said Senator Corker.
“I am honored to be recognized by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition and thank them for all they do to advance America’s interests around the globe.”
“In today’s complex world, America is fortunate to have Senator Bob Corker leading the way as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,” said Liz Schrayer, USGLC president and CEO. “His strong advocacy for international affairs programs and leadership on issues like food security, ending human trafficking, and electrifying Africa are central to his drive to advancing America’s interest throughout the globe. The USGLC couldn’t be more proud to honor his outstanding leadership at our 20th anniversary Tribute Dinner.”
Previous honorees include Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Raj Shah, and U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham, Pat Leahy, Kelly Ayotte and Tim Kaine.
USGLC produced a tribute video honoring Senator Corker, which includes statements from his Senate colleagues. Excerpts follow:
“I think courage is a good word to describe the way Bob Corker does his job. And by courage I don’t mean riding into battle with a weapon. I mean having the courage to work with the president or confront the president, or work with a member of the Senate or confront them; doing what you think is best for the country.” –Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tn.)
“If you have a choice between being a chairman or ranking member on a committee, I’m going to take being a chairman. But if I’m not going to be a chairman, and I’m going to be a ranking member, I want Senator Corker holding the gavel.” –Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
“The ability to connect with the world through aid programs, through development programs, can do as much damage to the enemy as any bomb. The small school house in a remote region of the world educating a young girl is the biggest threat to radical Islam, and I think Bob knows that.” –Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
“He doesn’t bring a whole bunch of ideological baggage. He says, ‘Let me look at the facts, let’s sort through this, let’s look at what he feels is in America’s best long-term interest.’” ­–Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.)
“I would like to thank the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition for honoring Senator Corker. He is a man of integrity, he is a man honor who I believe has an understanding of the challenges we face in the world.” –Senator John McCain (R-Az.)
“What he brings to deliberations of the United States Senate is very valuable, not only to us, but also to our allies and business relationships around the world.” –Senator Thad Cochran (R-Ms.)
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