Chattanooga Physician Who Operated Brainerd "Pill Mill" Given 100 Months In Federal Prison

  • Monday, June 1, 2015

A Chattanooga doctor who operated a "pill mill" in Brainerd was sentenced on Monday to serve 100 months in federal prison.

Judge Curtis Collier handed the sentence to Dr. Ishaan Al Amin, who earlier pleaded guilty to charges of illegally dispensing controlled substances and tax evasion.

Judge Collier said physicians who abuse their right to issue prescriptions "should pay a high cost if they are detected."

Al Amin, 63, was allowed to self-report in August.

But first he must serve three more days of a 30-day sentence given him by Judge Collier for two outbursts during his lengthy sentencing hearing. Attorney Hallie McFadden said he had "learned his lesson and was terribly sorry." However, Judge Collier said it was the only time in his 20 years on the bench, except for a case involving a lawyer, that he had found anyone in contempt. He said Al-Amin would have to serve the full 30 days.

Attorneys on both sides hired experts on the issue of how many of 4,400 patient files involve fraud. The prosecution focused on five of the patient files. Al Amin faced a 105-count indictment as well as a bill of information.

 Al Amin began operating O'Neil Medical Clinic in Brainerd in 1996.

Prosecutor James Brooks said undercover agents went to the clinic and were able to obtain pills.

At the time of his arrest, Al Amin was found with two firearms.

Authorities said Al Amin said on his 2005 income tax return that he had taxable income of $6,286. Actually, his taxable income was $321,807, the government said. He should have owed $113,204 in income tax, it was stated.

In 2006, he reported his taxable income as $53,286 when it should have been $262,871. He should have owed $93,092, the indictment says.

Agents seized cash at several locations, including $10,322 and $9,027 at O'Neill Medical Clinic, 4719 Brained Road, Suite C;  $3,342 from Salud Medical Walk-In Clinic, 4719 Brainerd Road, Suite A-1, and $510.25 from 16 S. Sweetbriar Ave. The seizures were made April 15, 2010. The government is asking that the cash be forfeited along with other assets.

Al Amin is also known as Robert O'Neil Robinson, Jr.


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