E. L. Ross Elementary School hosts the Knoxville Zoo Traveling Exhibit on Tuesday, April 7th. The Zoomobile brings educational live-animal programs directly to the students. For more information contact Lisa Earby, 423-479-7274,learby@clevelandschools.org.
George R.
Stuart Elementary Character Ed Breakfast is Wednesday, April 8, 8:40 am. Students representing the character trait Couragewill be honored at the breakfast. For more information contact Randy Stephens, 423-476-8246,rstephens@clevelandschools.org.
E. L. Ross Elementary School will host the Stevi B's Spirit Night on Thursday, April 9, 5:00-8:00 pm. All students and families are invited to support the school at Stevi B's. For more information contact Lisa Earby, 423-479-7274,learby@clevelandschools.org.
Blythe-Bower Elementary School will host the All-Pro Dad Breakfast on Friday, April 10, 7:40 am. All students and fathers are invited to attend this monthly breakfast program. For more information contact Laura Murray, 423-479-5121,lmurray@clevelandschools.org
E. L. Ross Elementary School will host the Student of the Month Celebration with Kona Ice onFriday, April 10, 2:30 pm. Students representing the character trait
Courage will be honored.
For more information contact Lisa Earby, 423-479-7274,learby@clevelandschools.org.
Cleveland High School hosts the Junior/Senior Prom on Saturday, April 11, at the Museum Center at 5ive Points. For more information contact Zach Riggins, 423-478-1113,zrigginss@clevelandschools.org.
PTO Meeting:
- E.L. Ross Elementary - Thursday, 8:30 am
Parent Teacher Conferences:
- George R. Stuart Elementary - Thursday, 3:30-6:30 pm