LAUNCH Announces $100 For 100 Campaign

  • Wednesday, March 4, 2015

            In 2015, LAUNCH anticipates reaching the milestone of 100 entrepreneurs that have successfully started businesses with the help of their Business Entrepreneurship Academy.

            LAUNCH continues to empower entrepreneurs, many of whom have overcome significant setbacks in life, in turn helping to alleviate poverty in Chattanooga and making a difference in the community.

With that commitment comes the $100 for 100 campaign.

            To help celebrate these 100 businesses, LAUNCH is working to raise $100,000 in order to keep pursuing their mission, uniting the community and providing hope to those with less resources. It is with the milestone of 100 businesses, that LAUNCH hopes to bring in new partners and sponsors who will donate at least $100, to reach their goal. With the funds donated, LAUNCH will continue to empower underserved entrepreneurs, provide support to the businesses that are currently active and teach high school students the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Additionally, a private foundation has agreed to match the contributions given to this campaign.

            LAUNCH is equipping groups in various other cities who want to begin an initiative modeled after the program here in Chattanooga. Currently there are groups beginning in Memphis, Grand Rapids and Cincinnati, and a dialogue has begun with a number of other cities as well.


            To make a donation, visit their $100 for 100 Causeway campaign. The next round of LAUNCH Business Entrepreneurship Academy classes begins the week of March 9. For more information, visit, or call 423-523-9307.
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