Tennessee Tourism Announces June - December Events

  • Wednesday, March 4, 2015
  • Amanda Stravinsky

Tennessee travelers find music continuously flows through every nook in the state from world-famous events like the Grand Ole Opry’s 90th Birthday Bash in Nashville, Boomsday in Knoxville, and Elvis Week in Memphis to small towns keeping music roots preserved like at the Rockabilly Fest in Jackson, Blue Plum Art & Music Festival in Johnson City, and Uncle Dave Macon Days Old-Time Music Festival in Murfreesboro. Holiday family memories are made with modern and traditional events like Bristol’s Speedway in Lights, Christmas at Graceland in Memphis, and Dickens of a Christmas in Franklin. From summer through the year’s end, experiences like these can only be Made in Tennessee.


June 2-6

Memphis – Germantown Charity Horse Show – An all-breed event will take place with more than 800 horses including hunters/jumpers, American Saddlebreds, Roaster and Hackney ponies and Tennessee Walking Horses. 901-754-0009gchs.org

June 5-7

Johnson City – Blue Plum Art & Music Festival – Outdoor music and arts festival in downtown Johnson City features children’s entertainment, music and more. Blueplum.org

June 6-13

Chattanooga – Riverbend Festival – Multiple stages of diverse music plus fireworks, 5K and 10K runs and a children’s village. 423-756-2211riverbendfestival.com

June 11-14

Nashville – CMA Music Festival – “Country Music’s Biggest Party” brings country fans and artists together for four days and nights of live music. 800-CMA-FEST, cmafest.com

Manchester  – Bonnaroo Music Festival – A 100-acre village brings together the best performers in rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, Americana, hip-hop, electronica and more. 931-728-7635,bonnaroo.com

June 12-13

Oak Ridge – Secret City Festival – This 10th annual citywide celebration commemorates the ending of WWII with the largest multi-battle WWII reenactment in the South, as well as tours of Manhattan Project sites, children’s festival, arts and crafts and exhibitors. 865-425-3610secretcityfestival.com

June 12-Aug. 8

Gatlinburg – Smoky Mountain Tunes & Tales – Music every night will feature storytellers, musicians and cloggers at different locations along the Parkway. 865-436-0500,gatlinburg.com

June 18-21

Knoxville – Kuumba Festival – This event showcases local African American art and artists, featuring entertainers performing on three stages, live demonstrations, and crafts people and food vendors. kuumbafesttn.com

June 20

Nashville – Jefferson Street Jazz & Blues Festival – Great music, food and family fun are had as local jazz and blues musicians perform. 615-726-5867jumpnashville.com


July 10-18

Kingsport – Kingsport Fun Fest – Live concerts, children’s activities and hot air balloons fill this family-friendly festival. 800-743-5282funfest.net

July 3

Gatlinburg – Midnight Independence Day Parade – The “First July Fourth Parade of the Nation!” kicks off with floats, balloons, and marching bands as residents pay tribute to the United States of America. 865-436-4178gatlinburg.com

July 3-4

Smithville – Smithville’s Fiddler’s Jamboree & Crafts Festival – The event features various state and national championships, jam sessions and juried craft exhibitors. 615-597-8500,smithvillejamboree.com

July 4

Nashville – Music City July 4th Spectacular – This annual event is Nashville’s largest, one-day party with live music, family activities, food and one of the nation’s best fireworks displays. 800-657-6910visitmusiccity.com

July 10-11

Murfreesboro – Uncle Dave Macon Days Old-Time Music Festival – This festival honors the memory of Uncle Dave Macon, one of the first Grand Ole Opry superstars and features music, arts and crafts, food, storytelling and competitions. 800-716-7560uncledavemacondays.com

July 24-26

Rutledge – Grainger County Tomato Festival – Events include a Civil War encampment, an arts and cultural exposition, tomato wars, entertainment and more. 865-828-3433,graingercountytomatofestival.com

July (last 3 week-ends in July)

Elizabethton – Liberty!  The Saga of Sycamore Shoals – Tennessee’s official outdoor drama continues for a three-weekend run – Thursdays through Saturdays – 7:30 p.m. in Fort Watauga Amphitheater at the Sycamore Shoals State Historic Area.


Aug. 6-9

Jamestown – Highway 127 Corridor Sale: World’s Longest Yard Sale – The world’s longest yard sale stretches for 675 miles along Hwy. 127. 800-327-3945127sale.com

Aug 8-9

Cleveland – Cherokee Heritage Festival – Living history, along with authentic crafts and food, are front and center at Red Clay State Historic Park. Cherokee fancy dancers, traditional dancers and storytelling bring native peoples and participants from across the southeastern United States to this former Cherokee Council Grounds site.

Aug. 10-16

Memphis – Elvis Week – The 36th anniversary of the celebration of Elvis Presley’s music, movies and life that includes a candlelight vigil. 800-238-2000elvis.com

Aug. 14-15

McKenzie – Southern Fried Food & Sweet Tea Festival – Celebrate “all things fried” and wash it down with the South’s favorite beverage, sweet tea. 731-352-2292mckenzietn.gov

Aug. 28-Sept. 7

Shelbyville – Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration – The world championship show of Tennessee’s native breed of show horse. Division champions will be crowned with the World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse being named. 931-684-5915twhnc.com

Aug 28-30

Jackson – African Street Festival – This event promotes African culture awareness with entertainment, workshops, educational seminars and more. 731-267-3212. Saaca.com



Nashville – War Memorial Celebration – The 90th birthday of Nashville’s War Memorial Auditorium will be celebrated with special concerts and events. 615-782-4030,wmarocks.com

Sept. 7

Knoxville – Boomsday Festival – Largest Labor Day weekend fireworks display in the nation includes games, children’s activities, food, beverages and live entertainment. 800-727-8045boomsday.org

Sept. 10-12

Memphis – Southern Heritage Classic – A football match-up between Tennessee State University and Jackson State University preceded by fun events. 901-398-6655,southernheritageclassic.com

Sept. 12

Jackson – Plectral Society’s Old-Time Music Festival – Outdoor music festival dedicated to preserving old-time string, bluegrass and gospel music at Casey Jones Village. 800-748-9588caseyjones.com

Charleston – International Cowpea Festival & Cookoff – A cook-off focusing on cowpea recipes, a marketplace, pageant, entertainment and a heritage area are included.cowpeafestival.com

Sept. 18-20

Bristol – Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion – Brings quality national, regional and local music to Bristol, the “Birthplace of Country Music,” in honor of its musical heritage and culture. 423-573-4898bristolrhythm.com

Sept. 25-27

Paris – Eye Full of Paris Weekend – This celebration of the arts includes three full days of visual and performing arts in a variety of venues. 731-653-7274visitdowntownparis.com


Oct. 2-3

Erwin – Unicoi County Apple Festival – Vendors, crafts, children’s area and entertainment are featured. 423-743-3000unicoicounty.org

Oct. 2-4

Jonesborough – National Storytelling Festival – This three-day event features compelling performances by internationally-known professional tellers. 800-952-8392,storytellingcenter.net

Tiptonville – Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival – Features more than 300 exhibitors including artists, potters, carvers, jewelry makers, music, delicious barbecue, fried pies, ice cream and more. 731-885-7295reelfootartsandcrafts.com

Oct. 3

Nashville – Grand Ole Opry Celebration – Grand Ole Opry’s 90th Birthday Bash will officially take place, but will be celebrated in weeks prior to and after the official birthday event.800-733-6779opry.com

Oct. 3-4

Centerville – National Banana Pudding Festival – This one-day event will include, in addition to a national cook-off for the best banana pudding in America, two entertainment stages, a children’s area, craft booths, lots of pudding samples and more. 931-994-6273bananapuddinfest.org

Oct. 10

Sparta – Liberty Square Celebration & Lester Flatt Memorial Bluegrass Day – Features a full day of music, crafts, food, games, truck and car show and much more. Visitors from across the country come to pay tribute to bluegrass legend Lester Flatt. 931-836-3248sparta-chamber.net

Oct. 16-18, 23-25

Memphis – Memphis Zoo Boo – The Zoo’s most spook-tacular event returns with more activities than ever! Enjoy old favorites like the Costume Contest and Dracula's Disco, and take on the Rock Wall. 901-333-6500memphiszoo.org

Oct. 17-18

Whitwell – Ketner's Mill Country Arts Fair – On the banks of the Big Sequatchie River in Marion County stands the only remaining water powered grist mill in the area, with parts dating back to 1824. Visitors can watch the operation of a sorghum mill and purchase pure molasses. Stone ground corn meal and flour are also available for purchase. Buy quality crafts, paddle a canoe, enjoy good country cooking, and listen to a variety of music. 423-267-5702ketnersmill.org

Oct. 24

Lynchburg – Jack Daniel’s World Championship Invitational Barbecue – This event has been called the most prestigious barbecue competition in the world. 931-759-6332,jackdaniels.com

Oct. 24-25

Morristown – Mountain Makins Festival – The historic 1892 Rose Center is filled with juried fine arts and crafts, plus live music, dancing, storytelling, children’s activities, food and expert demonstrations of time-honored traditions. 423-581-4330rosecenter.org


Nov. 7-Jan. 2
Pigeon Forge – Annual Dollywood’s Smoky Mountain Christmas –
 The Smoky Mountains’ family Christmas destination features more than 4 million lights, fun rides and tractions, plus award-winning holiday shows. 800-DOLLYWOOD, dollywood.com

November – January

Memphis – Christmas at Graceland – See traditional lights and decorations, a life-size Nativity scene, Santa and much more originally displayed by Elvis. 800-238-2000elvis.com

Nashville – Gaylord Opryland’s “A Country Christmas” – Sensational decorations, entertainment and some of the most delectable food anywhere. The event also features the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, ICE!, and more. 888-OPRY-872, gaylordopryland.com

Bristol – Speedway in Lights – Tour this stunning display of more than 1 million lights and hundreds of displays by car; or, make a reservation to bring your group through by bus. 423-989-6933bristolmotorspeedway.com

November - February

Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville – Smoky Mountain Winterfest – The gateway towns to the Smokies turn into a winter wonderland with more than 5 million light displays and special events. 800-568-4748gatlinburg.com800-251-9100mypigeonforge.com888-766-5948visitsevierville.com


Dec. 1-23

Chattanooga – Ruby Red Christmas – Celebrate the holidays 1,120 ft. underground at Ruby Falls with holiday music, a light show and more festivities. 423-821-2544rubyfalls.com

Dec. 5, 12

Rugby – Christmas at Historic Rugby – Visit beautifully decorated historic homes to bring an old-fashioned Christmas holiday season to life. 888-214-3400historicrugby.org

Dec. 12-13

Franklin – Dickens of a Christmas – A Victorian-themed Christmas with more than 200 costumed characters reenacting the work of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” 615-591-8500historicfranklin.com

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