McCallie Students Take Pictures From Space

  • Tuesday, March 10, 2015
A collection of the photos was posted to McCallie's Instagram account
A collection of the photos was posted to McCallie's Instagram account

Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, and Patagonia were just a sampling of the countries and regions photographed from the International Space Station, via remote, by students in Nancy Olenchek's Honors Chemistry class at McCallie. 

Depicted in the top left picture, according to Mrs. Olenchek, is a Russian Progress M-25M, a disposable, unmanned, cargo spacecraft docked at the ISS during the mission orbits. The Progress remains docked until a new Progress is ready to arrive. Then, the old Progress is filled with junk and released to burn-up in the atmosphere. 

She writes: "Another note, is that this was a historic set of orbits, because for the first time in ISS existence, a European ATV (automated transfer vehicle) was used to deboost the ISS (decrease the orbiting altitude). To allow for this maneuver to happen, the ISS was turned 180 degrees. This deboost caused the apogee to decrease by 2.5km to allow for a 2/17 docking with Russian Progress 58 cargo craft (which was carrying 3.1 tons of supplies). Because it was an unannounced manuever, it messed up some of the planned photos... science."

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