Sale Creek Family Loses Trailer Home To Fire, But Escapes Uninjured

  • Monday, December 21, 2015

The American Red Cross was assisting a family in Sale Creek on Monday morning after losing their trailer and possessions in a fire.

At 3:30 a.m., the homeowner called 911 reporting a fire at 1730 Daughery Ferry Road.

Sale Creek Volunteer Fire Department responded and arrived on the scene reporting a trailer fully involved with fire.

Sale Creek Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jimbo Aslinger reported the homeowner added wood to the wood stove to heat the home and then went back to bed. Hours later, the family awoke to the smell of smoke. The home did not have smoke detectors.

The family was able to escape the home without injuries. The trailer is a total loss.

The cause of the fire is undetermined and will be under investigation by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.

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