Bradley Commissioner Hall Ready To Cut Ties With SPCA; Panel Seeks Rise In Hotel-Motel Tax

  • Monday, November 2, 2015

Bradley County Commissioner Mark Hall said Monday night he is ready to cut ties with the SPCA that operates the county animal shelter after an incident involving one of his constituents.

Commissioner Hall said the resident had picked out a small dog, then went back to get it and was told it was slated to be transported to a facility in Ohio.

The commissioner said, "They would rather ship a dog to Ohio in hopes it will be adopted rather than giving it to someone here who is ready to adopt it."

He said, "I am ready to abort the contract with the SPCA."

Commissioner Dan Rawls said the SPCA has a contract with the Ohio shelter and was obligated to send that dog, Nancy, north. He said the constituent, Linda Boston, had said she would return on Wednesday, but had not done so. He said he would talk with Ms. Boston in hopes of finding another suitable small dog for her daughter.

Ms. Boston said she and her daughter had looked at a dog they liked and then spent time trying to convince her husband to allow it at their home. She said her husband by Friday had decided to go by and get the dog and give it to the daughter as a surprise. But the family was told it was too late.

Ms. Boston said she tried to contact the center on Wednesday, but found it was only open for four hours. She said she could only get an answering machine.

In another matter, the commission voted to ask the Legislature to raise the county's hotel-motel tax from five percent to seven percent.

Commissioner Terry Caywood urged support for the measure, but noted that the last time it was tried "it never made it out of committee."

He said it is a tax paid by visitors and he said it helps hold off taxes on local residents.

"I have never asked at a motel how much the tax was," he said.

The earlier tax boost was to have been dedicated to Lake Forest Middle School. This time the plan is to put it toward industrial development.

The commission approved a one-year contract with Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. Employees will have three options for a cost of $518.75 per month for each employee enrolled.

The panel agreed that employees may or may not take part in a wellness survey.

A contract was approved with Alex Vaughn of River City Athletic Field for installation of an infield mix and some pavement at the Elrod Park. The cost is $97,750. The funds will come from the sale of surplus property.

Commissioner Thomas Crye said there needs to be a closer watch on filing of employee workers' compensation claims.

He cited a recent 12 from the sheriff's office, 12 from the road department and five from EMC.

Commissioner Crye said there earlier were 10 claims related to poison ivy. He said this time it was down to nine, but the expense to the county was $3,017. He said employees should be advised to "wear long sleeves and gloves and a face covering," saying this is "costing the county a ton of money."


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