North Point Boulevard Is In Deplorable Condition - And Response (5)

  • Monday, November 2, 2015

My husband and I use North Point Boulevard on a daily basis for work, shopping, etc.  The road is in deplorable condition.  

Just this week we stopped to help a young lady who had ruined two tires, the wheel as well, and no telling what other damages.  While we assisted her, at least four more cars hit the biggest of the 10 pot holes on this road.  

I know the news channels have covered this story detailing other car damages.  How many more cars are going to be destroyed before someone steps up to the plate and repairs this road?

Janet Wood 

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Where is the city councilman who represents the area and why isn't he doing more to help solve this? 

Billy Thomas 

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Here’s an idea.  The city can come on private property and condemn a structure.  Have the city condemn and  barricade North Point Boulevard around midnight on Thursday, Nov. 26.  See how long it takes for the owners of the road to fix it when the Black Friday shoppers can’t get to Lowe’s, Home Depot, Stockdales, Hobby Lobby, etc. 

Alan Janney

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If you actually look at the signage in place on NPB it indicates that the public street ends just past Jimmy Johns, public street begins again on NPB about 130 yards beyond that point when traveling eastward. So only a short part of NPB is private and the rest is in the public domain and upkeep.  

Question to the city is where is the street maintenance on this busy through-a-fare that is the city's responsibility? The short part of the non-public street can be taken by eminent domain law if they want to do so. 

Unless the city signage is incorrect.  

Harry Uffalussy 

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I've got an even better idea - have the Chamber of Commerce offer the owner an incredible PILOT deal for the next 30 years if they will repave the road in the next 60 days. After all, everybody else has got a PILOT deal, why not trade one for some roadwork? 

Oh wait - Northpoint Boulevard isn't downtown. Never mind.  

Lee Crews 

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Here's another idea.  Buy a 50-pound bag of cold patch material from Home Depot, located conveniently on that road, and dump the contents into one of the potholes. 

David McGlumphy

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