DesJarlais, Fleischmann Critical Of Budget Deal; Corker Announces Opposition

  • Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Congressmen Scott DesJarlais and Chuck Fleischmann were critical of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (H.R. 1314). Senator Bob Corker announced his opposition.

Senator Bob Corker said the agreement reached by the White House and congressional leaders would increase spending by $80 billion over two years and raise the debt ceiling until March 15, 2017.

He said, “The agreement reached by the White House and congressional leaders is yet another example of what the American people hate about Washington,” said Corker. “Not only does this irresponsible deal break the commitment Congress and the administration made to the American people when passing the Budget Control Act – which has helped reduce discretionary spending for four consecutive years – it also continues the misleading practice of using budget gimmicks and one time revenue grabs.”

“The American people sent us to Washington to solve problems, and I am disappointed that Congress and this administration have failed to pass a responsible fiscal plan for our country,” added Corker. “I have offered several proposals to put America on a path to fiscal solvency, and I stand ready to work with any of my colleagues who are serious about making our country stronger.”

 Rep. DesJarlais said, “The budget deal will only encourage further out of control spending by adding $80 billion in additional expenditures and another nearly $20 trillion in national debt. In true Washington fashion, this bill was negotiated behind closed doors and seems to have allowed more input from President Obama and Democratic leadership than House conservatives. For these reasons, I have joined my House Freedom Caucus colleagues in opposing this legislation. I believe that calling this proposal a ‘budget’ is inaccurate, as budgets are meant to restore fiscal responsibility. Rather, this legislation deserves to be labeled for what it is: a spending increase.”

Rep. Fleischmann said, “While this bill addresses many issues that need to be dealt with, I strongly disagree with how this agreement was reached.  Rather than coming through regular order in the House, this bill was crafted without input from the majority of our members and as such I cannot support the bill.  I am hopeful that as the House moves into a new era we will see more openness and collaboration throughout the entire Congress.”

The budget bill passed.


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