Erlanger offers online childbirth education class. The online class is an easy-to-understand interactive program that includes more than 70 videos, animated illustrations, downloadable PDF files, review quizzes and information specific to Erlanger East and Erlanger Baroness birthing services. By choosing the online childbirth program, participants will have access to all the information for six months. The cost for the courses is $25.
For more information or to register for the online childbirth program and other classes and events mentioned below, call Erlanger’s HealthLink at (423) 778-LINK (5465), seven days a week, from 8 a.m.
to midnight. HealthLink Plus is a free membership program open to adults 18 and older.
Monday, October 26
Diabetes Education Class
1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Erlanger Chattanooga Lifestyle Center
This class will explore ways to manage diabetes. Call 778-9400 for more information on physician referral and insurance reimbursement.
Bariatric Support Group
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Siskin Fitness Center
Bariatric Support Group meetings are for individuals scheduled to have Bariatric surgery or who have already had weight loss surgery. Call Erlanger’s HealthLink at (423) 778-LINK (5465) for more information.
Monday, November 2
Bariatric Support Group
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Erlanger East (Gunbarrel Road)
Bariatric Support Group meetings are for individuals scheduled to have Bariatric surgery or who have already had weight loss surgery. Call Erlanger’s HealthLink at (423) 778-LINK (5465) for more information.
Overactive Bladder and Its Treatments
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Erlanger East (Gunbarrel Road)
This session is a review of overactive bladder (OAB) and includes information on various treatments. It will feature a discussion from Erlanger’s leading urologists, a patient who will share his/her experience with OAB and a question and answer session. The information session is free and open to the public and current patients of the OAB clinic. Call Erlanger’s HealthLink at (423) 778-LINK (5465) for more information or to register.
Tuesday, November 3
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Erlanger East (Gunbarrel Road)
This class is designed to help participants make an informed choice about breastfeeding. Learn breastfeeding basics, what to expect the first few weeks and special tips for success. Concerns about returning to work/school will also be discussed. This course is coordinated by a board-certified lactation consultant. Registration fee is $30. Call Erlanger’s HealthLink at (423) 778-LINK (5465) to register.
Thursday, November 5
Diabetes Education Class
1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Erlanger Chattanooga Lifestyle Center
This class will explore ways to manage diabetes. Call 778-9400 for more information on physician referral and insurance reimbursement.