Lee University Social Media Threat Suspect Identified, Charged And In Custody

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Olayinka Opaso
Olayinka Opaso

Lee University student Olayinka Opaso, from Nigeria, 18, confessed on Tuesday to a senior Lee University official about his involvement in the Yik Yak post describing potential threats to Lee University students.

Opaso was immediately placed into custody by the campus security director, Matt Brinkman. Mr. Brinkman transported Opaso to the Cleveland Police Department where Opaso was interviewed by Cleveland Police Department investigators, Lieutenant Robert Harbison and Detective Cody Hinson.

Action taken by Lee University personnel to have extra police presence on campus brought attention to the matter, thus leading to the suspect's confession.

Opaso is currently in custody and being charged with commission of act of terrorism, which is a Class A felony.

Lee University officials released the following statement about the incident: 

"On Tuesday morning an individual admitted to a member of our senior leadership team to posting a threatening message on social media. Law enforcement authorities were immediately contacted and the individual was taken into custody without incident. The university is fully cooperating with authorities to gather all relevant information and to bring this unfortunate situation to a conclusion." 


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