Election Officials Hit 2 Snafus; Early Voting Brisk

  • Monday, July 21, 2014

Election officials have encountered two snafus in the early voting process, but administrator Kerry Steelman said they won't happen again.

Due to a heavier turnout than was expected, Republican ballots briefly ran out on Friday at the Northgate precinct.

And it was discovered after 10 people had voted, that the Domestic Partnership Ordinance was not included on the Kings Point ballot.

Mr. Steelman said more GOP ballots were delivered to Northgate about 15 minutes after they ran out. He said the number left at the site was based on voter history, but he said some who formerly voted at the election office and Collegedale now vote at Northgate.

He said the office is now insuring many more ballots are present to make sure it won't happen again.

On the Kings Point issue, he said that may have come about "because we only had two hours to finish the ballot on a process that usually takes 2-3 days. That was because of a late court hearing on the ordinance.

Mr. Steelman said the 10 voters have all been contacted and seven have come back in to vote on a special ballot that was prepared for them with that issue only.

There were 2,245 people who cast ballots on Friday and Saturday. That included 1,764 who asked for Republican ballots and 467 who asked for Democrat.

Mr. Steelman said it was expected that 25-30 percent of registered voters would vote, but he said it appears the figure is going to be higher.

Early voting continues through Aug. 2 at the election office off Amnicola Highway, Collegedale, the Brainerd Recreation Center and Northgate.

Hours at the election office are 8-7 Monday-Friday and 9-7 on Saturday. Hours are 10-7 at the other centers.

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