City Council Denies Cell Tower At Jersey Pike After Neighborhood Group Objects

  • Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The City Council has denied rezoning for a cell tower after a neighborhood group objected.

Ivan Mousaw and James Cunningham made the request for a cell tower at 4501 Jersey Pike.

The request was to move from R-2 to R-3 zoning.

Officials said they had lowered the height from 150 feet to 131 feet and would agree there would be no other use of the property.

Gwen Gregory, who heads the Lake Hills Neighborhood Association, said the fear was that a later owner would put an incompatible use on the R-3 lot.

Councilman Russell Gilbert made the motion to deny, saying there was a five-year lease, and "Verizon may go off and leave the property after that."

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