GRAAB Coalition To Highlight Addictions And Recovery At Community Workshop

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The GRAAB (Going Respectfully Against Addictive Behaviors) Coalition will host a community workshop on Sept. 14, 1-4 p.m. at the Cleveland Family YMCA to offer insight and to provide answers to those whose loved ones struggle with addiction, officials said. 

This workshop will emphasize the importance of seeking physical and mental wellness every day, through multiple pathways and throughout the recovery process, to achieve health and well-being. During this workshop, attendees will have a chance to ask area counselors what options are best for their loved ones and what steps they will need to take to ensure recovery is successful. 

In 2011, 45.6 million people aged 18 or older had a mental illness according to the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an annual survey released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. However, only 31.6 million people received mental health services. In addition, 20.6 million people were classified with substance dependence or abuse in 2011, and 3.8 million people aged 12 or older received treatment for a substance use disorder. 

“It is important to offer workshops such as this one in our community," said Tanya Southerland, executive director, GRAAB Coalition.  "If we can help just one family get the answers they need for substance abuse addiction, then we have succeeded.  We all have the potential to make a difference. We can all be examples of good health and wellness.” 

This workshop will be a part of Recovery Month, a national observance sponsored by SAMHSA, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The observance raises awareness of mental and substance use disorders, celebrates individuals in long-term recovery, and acknowledges the work of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services. 

The mission of the G.R.A.A.B. Coalition is to bring together concerned members and service providers of the community to facilitate lowering the misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, as well as other addictive behaviors, in Bradley County, by providing effective education, recovery, and support for youth, families, and the community. For more information on this workshop or other programs available from the GRAAB Coalition, call 472-5800 or 653-9969.

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