Race Baiting - And Response (8)

  • Saturday, August 10, 2013

Now, Roy Exum, whether you know it or not yo' grand-pappy, Roy McDonald, and my family go way way back. Whether you know it or not, I know your family probably better than you do. Yours and mine go all the way back and even before he owned that small grocer, The Home Store, on South Broad Street. 

Now, you're doing the "race-baiting" you accuse Jackson and others of doing. The beating of that white 13-year-old at the hands of those three 15-year-olds was horrible. I couldn't bear to watch it. However, you know darn well it had absolutely nothing to do with the race of the 13-year-old. Those 15-year-old boys would have done the same to a 13-year-old black child and even if they were white. 

There's no excuse for what they did, and hopefully, unlike Zimmerman, they will be punished to the fullest extent of the law and more. However, they did it because they were "snitched" out, and not because the 13-year-old  is white. 

Shame on you. And you call yourself a Christian man and expect others to actually believe you. Shame, shame, shame, Roy. There is no comparison to what happened to Martin at the hands of Zimmerman, and you darn well know it. You're just doing your own brand of usual race baiting yourself.

Brenda Manghane-Washington

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Ms Washington, there is always an excuse for some folks. In Brunswick, Ga., a 17-year-old black teen asked a mother for money as she was walking home from the post office pushing her baby in a stroller. When she refused he shot her and then shot her 13-month-old baby in the face. 

No speeches or appearances from Jackson, Sharpton, Obama and certainly no speeches on the  house floor in Washington where these words rang out not long ago, "Shot down like a dog."  

I might add the media that carried the Martin-Zimmerman shooting 7/24 has been very silent on this shooting as well as the school bus beating. The killing of the baby could be listed as a hate crime, but no one is calling for Holder to investigate. Different strokes for different folks.

N.D. Kennedy Sr. 


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Three little thugs who beat the 13-year-old and stomped him to the point of breaking his arm were snitched out? Really now, that was the problem in your view? It was an assault, recorded by the unbiased video camera for all to see; it was not a 'school yard' thing.
Using you as an example of how your community views this attack, I can see clearly how there are such enduring problems in your segment of society. You have an excuse, reason, an historic grievance for every failure. No wonder so many young men are left behind where you live. You can excuse anything as long as 'you' have a reason for the behavior.

Harry Uffalussy

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Hello pot, meet kettle.

Rob Simmons

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It is time white people started marching and making demands on our behalf.  We need a NAAWP (National association for the advancement of white people).  We need spokesman that will represent us like Sharpton and Jackson represent the NAACP and be ready to bark at the first abusive incident to take place, demanding national coverage and swift punishment to the violator with articles of the abused placed in the Smithsonian.

Justice must prevail for what happened to the 13 year old and many more that have been abused that we never hear about because we don’t shout loud enough or march with demands for justice.  Segments of society can only take so much and be pushed so far before a major eruption.

As far as the Zimmerman case, a jury of 12 found him not guilty.  Do  some people want to start putting jurors on trial because they didn’t get the outcome they wanted?   That brings to mind the O.J. Simpson case with the wet, dried, shrunk tight fitting leather glove as Simpson danced to freedom as the jury of 12 found him not guilty.

Roy’s article was excellent and appears to have hit home with some of our local citizens while I never thought it was race baiting until reading the response of Ms. Washington.

Michael Mansfield

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Wow. Roy is really completely off the mark on this one. Brenda is correct. The teenagers that beat the 13-year-old on the bus had nothing to do with racism. 

How can you possibly try and compare the two incidents? As uncouth as it sounds, the reality is that the poor 13-year-old was beat for "snitching". Plain and simple. Its horrible and unacceptable behavior, but that is what happened. 

So, what was the reason that Zimmerman accosted Trayvon? Any answers? Don't worry, I'll wait......... Also, before anyone accuses me of making excuses for what the three teenagers did to that poor child, I am not. It was wrong and my heart goes out to the victim. But again Brenda is correct in saying that if the three teenagers were white and the kid was also white, it would have been the same outcome. They would have beat him up for "snitching" them out. 

It's a twisted way of thinking, and wrong. But street logic comes in all colors. They felt wronged. Again, Not acceptable behavior. Trayvon Martin was walking home minding his own business. Zimmerman felt "wronged" by him, because he was a black male walking in his neighborhood. That would be racism. Not retaliation. All of you spouting "race baiting" nonsense should look in the mirror. Your true self is starting to rear its ugly head. 

Dana Carroll

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Again, Ms. Manghane-Washington, you have carried the banner of "racism" where it doesn't belong.

The boy on the bus was attacked because his abusers were "snitched out"?  Seriously? And you think the resulting violence was the appropriate response to that problem, regardless of whether the student being attacked was black or white? From your comments, I'm beginning to recognize why you have the crime problems you do in your community.  

Did you think to ask yourself whether the 13-year-old white victim "snitched" because of another crime those 15-year old thugs were involved in and that he was questioned about? Was it because they attacked another student?  Were stealing?  Dealing drugs? Cheating? Sorry, but civilized people recognize that none of that warrants a full-blown and vicious attack on a younger student by three older thugs who are, quite obviously, three future violent offenders in the making. 

As for the tired old "Trayvon Martin" tape you repeatedly play, George Zimmerman was arrested and tried by a jury. That unbiased jury that was selected by both the prosecutor and defense attorneys, both representing a case that was investigated and tried under the law and close scrutiny of the U.S. Department of Justice from day one. Zimmerman was subsequently found not guilty of the crime based upon the clear-cut evidence and deliberations by the jury, despite every effort by the Left, the President, and our own federal authorities to nail him to the wall even before a trial was held. As you know, whites had to deal with the O.J. Simpson verdict--with no Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton in sight to represent the innocent victims of that crime and with no riots, attacks on blacks, violence, or looting in response to that verdict. The same certainly cannot be said in the Zimmerman case.  You also will have to deal with the Trayvon Martin verdict and recognize that justice was done. You just didn't like the result.

It's time to get off the race-baiting, Ms. Manghane-Washington. It brings nothing constructive whatsoever to your arguments. The documented fact is that there is more black-on-white crime in this nation than there is white-on-black crime, and it has been that way for a very, very long time. Instead of continuing to beat the same old "racism" drums, perhaps you should take a bold and honest look at the long-standing and growing black social and crime issues occurring in Chattanooga and in other Blue cities across this nation. It's way past time to get off the constant racist pity party wagon and look in the mirror.

Mya Lane 

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Ms. Carroll, thanks for waiting. The reason Zimmerman shot Trayvon is because Trayvon was beating him, bad. You saying it was because Zimmerman felt "wronged" by him bc he was a black male in his neighborhood is not just incorrect, it's a blatant lie, 100 percent manufactured in your head. 

There is no more evidence to suggest the GZ/TM incident was about race than there is to suggest the school bus incident was about race. You and Ms. Washington are both hypocrites. The two of you are more responsible for race-relations than the people you complain about, the sad thing is that you will clearly never understand that. 

Jim Dothard

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I’m saddened by the recent articles, public opinions and vitriol expressed regarding this article.  After all these years of attempting to practice tolerance and understanding between all races, where laws were enacted to provide equal access to jobs, education, voting and the pursuit of happiness why are we still harping over the semantics of race?  Nothing is perfect because life is a state of constant movement; even our forefathers addressed these issues in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” 

Look at some facts (no, I am not bashing the President, or attempting to cleanse any sins):
George Zimmerman is racially mixed (White/Hispanic), Barak Obama is racially mixed (White/Black) and Antonio Santiago is also racially mixed (White/Hispanic).  Given these facts, it is certainly interesting how media and people perceive them. 

Barak Obama is considered by the majority of people to be Black.  George Zimmerman is considered by most news media to be White.  Antonio Santiago is considered White by local media. 

There are White people who disdain, dislike and decry Barak Obama not for his policies but for his race (forgetting that he is half White) 

Black and Hispanic people voice the same opinions (and worse) for George Zimmerman (even though he is half White/half Hispanic).  No one seems to care (including the national news and public opinion) about innocent little Antonio Santiago who was shot and killed during a robbery attempt in Brunswick, Ga. earlier this year. 

And now another horrific event surfaces via video of a vicious beating in Florida.  Does it really matter about the race issue?  Shouldn’t this be about justice for all the victims regardless of their race, creed or color?

What has happened to our society and our country where we have forgotten so much? 

Forget your color, do the right thing for yourself, your family, your fellow human and let’s not start another un-Civil War based upon our hatreds and lack of information about people we may or may not know about.  Justice is supposed to be blind so that justice can be done. 

I personally place a large blame on the sensationalism of the press (online, cable, newspaper); they are trying to garner ratings, escalate tempers for dramatic effect and attempt to tell us how we should think and feel about the issues. 

I hope and pray that we can think before we speak, help before we realize that the other person may not be our exact racial and genetic equal and restore the values, tolerances, ideals and sensibilities that our country was based upon. 

Lady Walker
Signal Mountain

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